Kitimat to Klemtu


This summer in July, we will be going from Kitimat to Klemtu. We are mostly making this trip for the scenic opportunities, however there must be some great fishing spots along the way for salmon and halibut.

If anyone is aware of a nice place to try our luck, a heads up would be appreciated. Thanks!
Im going to assume you're taking the regular inside passage, but if you want to get into some serious, world class fishing..... Head out to caamano sound and fish out there. You can still get to klemtu that way by heading down towards Laredo sound and then going in Meyers passage and on to klemtu. You'd still have lots of protection on the outer route and many options to drop anchor for the night.

Amazing part of the coast, trip of a lifetime no matter what route you take.
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Hi hambone, we will be taking the regular inside passage this time, however every year we venture further as our comfort level with ourselves and our boat increase. With any luck, maybe we will even get to see a Spirit bear. Thanks for the reply. KCD
To start your journey you can head down and spend the night at Harley bay. You can tie up at their docks and explore the village. There is great fishing right across from there at money point and kitkiatta has some great crabbing. Bishop bay hot springs is a good spot as well and you can check out weewani hot springs on your way Dow devastation channel.