Killing too many fish.....

I would be down for taking a 4-6 year break on fishing as long as catch and release were still legal, I have a 7 year old and I dont want to be saying to him what Im being told now by guys at my work who are only in their 40's.

From what I know you cant just stop salmon fishing all together and expect that to cure the problem, We need to break it down into areas that have the most impact on the fish

If we have a All out ban on Salmon then we should also ban the fish salmon eat. Its a gray area for me but if the Herring stocks are decimated wouldnt that in turn hurt the salmon stocks? What would be the point of rehabilitating 1 stock when another is suffering when the one we are trying to save is dependant on the stocks we're ignoring?

Maybe Im wrong but the Salmon are'nt the only critter in this picture, And this is just a fraction of the stacked cards against them, when we start talking Pollution then I think we'll see a better picture on what we as humans < Not Races of Humans > can do to improve all fisheries

My 2 cents, take it as you will
Lots of chest pounding and finger pointing , anyone really trying to do something about it with MP's . MLA's , letters to Editors , joining volunteer hatchery workers , stream enhancement groups etc ?
If not then carry on , or as Shakespeare so aptly put it ......
"He bursts forth onto the stage of life ,
Full of sound and fury ,
Signifying nothing "
