How to rig an anchovy teaser head?

I just bought a few Rhys Davis anchovy teaser heads and they are rigged with a single treble hook.

I picked up a pack of the Baitrix Anchovies and they indicate that its best to use a standard teaser head with a treble in the normal spot (behind the dorsal) and a trailing 6/0 hook right around the tail.

What is the best way to tie this sort of rig?
I tie a snelled knot for the teble hook, leave about two fingers width and tie the #6 gammy on the back with a polimar or improved fisherman's knot. How about you Tips? How do you do it.
On a two hook rig, do you find that the fish get hooked more frequently on the leading treble or the trailing single?

Okay, so it appears the easiest way is to tie a snell on the treble then leave a long tag end which is then where you tie the trailing hook. Makes sense.

How often do you guys pull the hook/leader out of the teaser head and use a new one? Every fish? Every big fish? Or do you just inspect it after every fish and play it by ear?
I was just Googling around and found a snell knot on the Maxima website. Its a bit different than other snells that I've seen. Basically it is a uni-knot but the wraps go around the hook shank too. Looks really easy to tie. Anybody tried it with a trailer?


I tied my first 3 trebles in a row using the same not as you and my trailing circle hook 1/0 just behind that. Not missing many hits lately. :D
Oh ya, don't forget to sharpen your barbs! Very important![:0]


(for the rest of you this is an inside joke as Yote and I disagree on trailers)
Chachi, check the leader after every fish. We caught a 37.4 this summer off renny and we popped the single trailer from it's mouth when in the net. Kinda sums it up for me.
I can't agree more about sharpening the hook, it should be "sticky"
sharp. If you can drag it across your fingernail it is not sharp enough, it should stick into you fingernail when you attempt to drag it.
I switched to the Palomar Knot last year after busting off some hooks right at the knot and I absolutely love it. It's super easy to tie and seems very strong. I use it wherever I can.
