How do you organize your tackle?

I use a simple system for tackle. Most tackle I just buy it and then scatter it on the ocean floor/attached to seals the first time used. :mad:The rest I keep organized. Those clear plastic/Walmart/tupperware divided boxes are great. I have a large one for hali/bottom fishing jigs, then a stack of smaller ones in a soft bag for flyfishing, one tackle box for freshwater (lake and river casting & trolling), and one box for saltwater trolling. Leaders in pieces of drinking straw, clean flashers in the bottom of the salt box, salty used tackle goes into the cooler to be washed in freshwater and dried at home after the trip. Having a small boat is the best way to keep the pounds of tackle you haul to a minimum. Maximum two tackle boxes per trip on the boat and they both fit under the side of the captains chair, out of the way.
Here is my flasher storage





Works well boat from cabelas
Wow , you guys have a serious investment in gear.
i use 2 or 3 flashers and a handful of spoons,squirts and hootchies
how the heck do you decide what to throw down ? :p:eek:
Wow , you guys have a serious investment in gear.
i use 2 or 3 flashers and a handful of spoons,squirts and hootchies
how the heck do you decide what to throw down ? :p:eek:

You know what they say Scott.... "Most gear is designed to catch fishermen"

Scott, it is all show - I bet they don't use more than 2-3 flasher and a handful of lures either!

I too have too much gear - albeit not nearly as much as Sculpin and JAC, but 80% of it is rarely or never used. :D

I bet I may use 8 of my 25 flashers but you buy some and then your buddy start catching fish on other ones so you buy some more. I fish in the big lakes like Okanagan and kootenay, Fraser and columbia river and the ocean. When you fish a lot of area you need different gear. I will use a handful of gear for salmon in the ocean but fishing for big rainbows its a different story you may try 20 lures and colors on any given day to get them to bite. Plugs,apexs,buck tails, plugs, spoons, hootchies could all be washed on one trip to Okanagan lake.
Scott, it is all show - I bet they don't use more than 2-3 flasher and a handful of lures either!

I too have too much gear - albeit not nearly as much as Sculpin and JAC, but 80% of it is rarely or never used. :D


We all have too much gear. Just need to keep it organized. Hence the reason for this thread:).
We all have too much gear. Just need to keep it organized. Hence the reason for this thread:).

I agree, some good inspiration here!
I use 3 different flashers, 3 different hootchies and 2 name brand of spoons, 3 type of plugs thats it. Very rare I have hardware out over bait, but the hardware has its time and place for me.
Here's my traveling salmon setup.

2 10'6" rods with reels, green glow flasher with roscoe rigged and purple gold flasher with spatterback hootchie rigged. All in case. Couple clips and your ready to go.



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I got mine from Gord at Cowichan Fly and Tackle, I'm sure most tackle shops could order it. It's the biggest rod case I could find and I need to use one shortish butt and one long butt rod to just fit in. I haven't broken a rod tip from travelling so far, I hate taking rods in the truck cause they take so much abuse, you can only pile so many cases of beer on them before you break something.
I have glow, non-glow heads in their own plastic container; as well hoochies and spoons each in their own containers. Too cramped & not well organized. I'm certainly open to suggestions that can hold these, some rigged and some not. Must be able to easily see them. I picked up some plastic containers about the same size as flashers and they seem to work well. Need a bit of a paradigm shift here.