How do you catch and target Salmon Sharks?

Sixgills are on the "no retention" list anyway......

There used to be lots of Salmon sharks off ECVI around the Mistaken Island area........they were fished out years ago by the soup-fin industry.

Also lots of Basking sharks from Nanoose on up to Deep bay.......they also met their fate......I've never ever seen one of those while fishing ECVI.....

and Basking sharks are few and far between on the west coast nowadays....
If you are out Tuna fishing, just Cark and bleed some Albies while drifting on a calm day. There will be Blue sharks circling the boat like a horror film.

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Hooked a huge six gill a few years ago 340ft deep hali fishing North island, well after 2.5 hrs and some tired arms finally got a close look all 12 ft of it. Funny looking things with long tails and big eyes. Did get my mudraker out of its mouth, guess they like octopus, and yes it was pissed off. My only regret is we did not have a camera, it looked fine when we let it go.

I was diving off Tyler Rock in Barkley Sound once....and came face to face with about the same size Sixgill......I took a picture of it and will post if I can dig it up.