Hootchie Leader length



im having a brain fart right now as i put together tomarrows fishing gear. and im gona send one hootchie down for some springs and how long of a leader should i tie?
I fish 3-4 wraps (lengthwise) on the flasher and it seems to produce .... i dunno about everyone else?

I also use 40lb test just as casper mentioned
I fish 2-4 flasher lengths and have had petty good success this year.I also use 40-50 lb test line gives it a bettr whip.
I agree with the other posts. It's 42" and 40 pound test. Worked for me this past week. Good luck.
It depends on boat speed the longer the leader the faster the troll and the shorter the leader the slower the troll. I was told by a couple of commercial fisherman tie your hook and strech the line to your arm pit or center of chest. That length worked well for me for springs up north. I also use 40# leader like they said better action. Another tip try tying the leader directly to the flasher no swivel, it will give you better action also.
It depends on boat speed the longer the leader the faster the troll and the shorter the leader the slower the troll. I was told by a couple of commercial fisherman tie your hook and strech the line to your arm pit or center of chest. That length worked well for me for springs up north. I also use 40# leader like they said better action. Another tip try tying the leader directly to the flasher no swivel, it will give you better action also.