Hook colors


Well-Known Member
I was trying to search an older thread on this topic, and it seems to have been lost. Thought we could start a discussion on hook colours. Some people swear by red hooks with hootchies. Others swear by black hooks with sockeye. Love to hear your logic. Thanks in advance!
I have had times when I am constantly marking fish no bites and there are 8 boats around fishing the same area and they aren't hooking up either. I will tie on a red stinger hook to trail the anchovy and that little color change can make the difference in getting a desperate bite.
I'm not sure about hook colours but i can say that when fishing a green splatteback hooch there are spots on the coast where we would get no action on a regular one but throw one down with the red bloody eyes and the springs are all over it. So, the difference being that dash of red...
There is a freshwater Sockeye fishery here in Seattle where a bare red hook behind a flasher works the best. I have caught nice fish on a spoon hanging motionless with a huge SS Siwash hook, and have been skunked. So, in some situations hook size/color will matter. If you like to catch & eat fish, you will be happiest when you choose to fish where conditions are like my first example. Somewhere where there are lot's of feeding Salmon. WCVI is a good place in general.