Heavy Fog


How often do you encounter heavy fog around Vancouver Island? In the area near the mouth of the Columbia River it gets really bad sometimes. I hear lots of talk about GPS on the site and wonder how many of you guys are running without radar. The mouth of the Columbia is very dangerous during certain situations, add the freighter traffic you need radar. Is there need for radar in you area's? [?]
They don't call it Fog-ust for nothing. There can be a lot of fog on WCVI. Radar certainly would be a plus.
It gets plenty foggy in Fog-ust. Radar is definitely a plus. There is probably not as much large traffic off WCVI as you have at the mouth of the Columbia. Radar is definitely a wise investment if you spend any time on the blue water.
It can be scary being offshore without a radar in the middle of the fog, then hearing a freighter blowing its whistle and not knowing where it comes from or how far/close it is from your boat. [:0]
I really do not know how I used to fish with out a gps. Got to get a radar unit for those Fog-ust haly days though!
Cheers fah cups