Happy Canada Day

It’s time to start celebrating our creation of a country that takes in people of all color and creed and gives all citizens a chance at equality and prosperity. It’s not a perfect system , but it is 99 percent better than every other country in the world. Happy Canada Day!
21997971_web1_RJB70069808-1024x680.jpgMaking it work, together!

Stop and think " Why is all this **** stirred up right now. We have known about the Schools and graves for decades."

There are hundreds of $billions in play, with scores of high priced lawyers, strategists, political and media consultants at work. They are motivated, fully capable and skilled in manipulating public opinion. The timing is by design, with a federal election on the horizon with Trudeau, a very weak negotiator, being pressured to act. If you read Manufacturing Consent - Chompsky and Hermann, you will understand more. It was published years ago but is still a very informative playbook on the strategies of the manipulators. Google it for a short animation or a long documentary.
My family and I celebrated in our small circle today. The Cancel Culture can go and do whatever they want with themselves (family friendly!).

We have so many things in this country to be thankful and proud of.

Happy Canada Day everyone!
Perfectly possible to be a proud, thankful and reflective Canadian. I am very grateful for the acceptance I have found in this country, the fourth in which I have lived and worked. I was touched yesterday by the subdued tone as people reflected on the recent events.

No need to cancel Canada Day. It was always a time to think about what it means to be Canadian, but going forward we should apply that to all who call this place home. We can make this great country even better.

Hope everyone had a good day.