Halibut to open Feb. 1/2010

Thanks Wolf, what then is the issue, talking of doom and gloom, filled quotas, and short seasons, but fishing until the end of dec?
Oops accidently deleted rather than edit , lol,,

Yes Our Halibut Season was open til Dec 31 to us Sporties , BUT , most of us all know , After the September Labor Day Long Weekend , WCVI is a ghost town(s) , other than a few locals heading out on those odd good weather day's . Our Tourist Season is June till August , August being Peak Season , It`s done for the Year after that , regardless of `Nasty` weather or not ! this is why you don`t here much fellas...


So, in truth, we're actually talking about 3 completely different organizations here, #1 Commercial Fleet, #2 Commercial Guided Sport Fishers, #3 Sporties (the rest of us). I don't feel the needs and demands of those employed in the guiding business truly reflect the needs and demands of the true sports fisherman. Perhaps there should be another hack of the pie to make the season more along the lines of what you are looking for?
Been trying my hardest to stay out of this...

Felix is right, after labour day hardly anyone does it.

Besides May/June, September and October are actually my two other favorite months for fishing them on WCVI, but I am generally alone in doing so. I certainly would like to be able to expand the business into these months as we have the spring fishery.

Bigger fish, closer to shore, no doggies...

Once the fall storms hit, no one goes period.

My hope is they do whatever they can to prolong the season and if that is one per day/one possesion and the season runs Feb-Nov. I think that would likely work better for most guides/sporties than a 1/2 or 2/2 with a shorter season.

Gimee the gaff!!!
quote:Originally posted by lazoman

Thanks Wolf, what then is the issue, talking of doom and gloom, filled quotas, and short seasons, but fishing until the end of dec?

We used up our TAC early and bought quota hence the long season.
quote:Originally posted by Osama Bin Hopper

Been trying my hardest to stay out of this...

Felix is right, after labour day hardly anyone does it.

Besides May/June, September and October are actually my two other favorite months for fishing them on WCVI, but I am generally alone in doing so. I certainly would like to be able to expand the business into these months as we have the spring fishery.

Bigger fish, closer to shore, no doggies...

Once the fall storms hit, no one goes period.

My hope is they do whatever they can to prolong the season and if that is one per day/one possesion and the season runs Feb-Nov. I think that would likely work better for most guides/sporties than a 1/2 or 2/2 with a shorter season.

Gimee the gaff!!!

There's mixed feelings on this one. 1/2 works for most guides Lodges and works for sporties where bigger halibut are targeted. However, many sporties including myself, won't bother going off shore on the North Island for 1 per day. Just not worth the fuel. That said, at this point, a season is sure better than no season!!!
I don't agree with this from Lazoman......If you saying that I am not a "True Sportfisherman" because I own an outfitting business.... That is absolute Horsesh**t

quote:So, in truth, we're actually talking about 3 completely different organizations here, #1 Commercial Fleet, #2 Commercial Guided Sport Fishers, #3 Sporties (the rest of us). I don't feel the needs and demands of those employed in the guiding business truly reflect the needs and demands of the true sports fisherman. Perhaps there should be another hack of the pie to make the season more along the lines of what you are looking for?

Osama's comments I can relate to in that the opportunity spread out as opposed to a shorter season should serve the whole rec. angling community best.
We have a late season fishery that is similar to SWVI early season fishery, in that more and more anglers (that do include guided charters)are fishing later into the season. Basically until the storms roll in as OBH has outlined.
We'll see what is "handed" to us soon.

quote:Besides May/June, September and October are actually my two other favorite months for fishing them on WCVI, but I am generally alone in doing so. I certainly would like to be able to expand the business into these months as we have the spring fishery.

Bigger fish, closer to shore, no doggies...

Once the fall storms hit, no one goes period.

My hope is they do whatever they can to prolong the season and if that is one per day/one possesion and the season runs Feb-Nov. I think that would likely work better for most guides/sporties than a 1/2 or 2/2 with a shorter season.

With regards to fish 4 all's comment about money in the bank - there is simply not enough to make any kind of material difference in the length of a season. Might buy 3 days of average August catch.

Based on 2009 catch trends, 1 per day and 2 in possession, and 2009's allocation, if the season opens on Feb 1st, then it will most certainly close before August 10th, 2010.

Governor is right, opening in February or March also has very little material impact on the overall season length as the catch is just not large enough to make any real difference. July and August is when the bulk of recreational halibut are caught, and it is these catch rates that will drive the season length. To illustrate - If DFO was to delay opening until May ist, it may extend the season until August 15th.

There is a pretty good chance that the Canadian TAC, and therefore the recreational allocation will be less than 2009.

Assuming nothing changes, consider the implications of this to the recreational fleet:

1. I'd suggest that once word gets a little more public about the likelihood of an August closure, it has the potential to create a bit of a "gold rush" mentality in minds of some anglers, leading to increased catch earlier in the season as everyone tries to get 'their' halibut before the season closes. This is likely to skew catch trends resulting in predictions of meeting the quota even earlier than mid August resulting in an earlier closure.

2. That same gold rush mentality may well influence the decision making process of particularly unskilled anglers as it relates to the amount of risk they are willing to take in order to get "their" halibut before the season closes. This could well lead to people pushing the limits of their skill and their equipment in order to get their fish. Ironically, this pressure to get fish leading to increased risk is one of the key reasons the commercial sector used to secure a quota based fishery rather than the derby style fisheries that were in place prior to 2003.

In essence, what DFO will have accomplished by refusing to alter 88\12 is to transfer that risk from a well equipped fleet of professional seamen on to the general public. A scary thought for those of us that see some of the ill equipped boats that already head way too far offshore in questionable conditions. Has anyone in DFO considered this potential outcome? If so, and they've decided to ignore it, then it speaks volumes about DFO's attitude regarding the recreational fishery or public safety in general.

Lets keep our fingers crossed for good news over the next few months. If not, the 2010 halibut season is likely to be a total disaster for lodges and chsarter operations coastwide. Hopefully it won't prove disastrous for individuals as they push the envelope in order to get thier fish.

Keep writing those letters! If a rally comes to your town - go!

What announcement would have made you all happy[?]

Last year a big complaint was that we did not get a notice of opening early enough.

This topic has become so exhausting that I may have lost track of a few things.

Gooey, x2 - great post!

God never did make a more calm, quiet, innocent recreation than angling - Izaak Walton
Look's like the Island Outfitter's 14th Annual Just For The Halibut Derby to be held May 8th & 9th is a go!!
No announcement of the opening on the DFO website so far ,
(mind you there's nothing regarding the closure either) :(
Well on a positive note a friend of mine sold a load of halibut fletches for over $250 000.00 not a bad days work. This was product of Alaska but you can see why they are pressuring the stocks so much. All that demand for wild seafood is only going to make things worse.
So the million dollar question ... do those fishing guides who are trying to make an honest living and who want to organize charters for halibut in February give their clients the go ahead now and risk loosing their credibility and future business???? From what I hear once that client is ticked off by a guide for what ever reason they ain't coming back.

Is all that inside line from DFO as trust worthy as we are made to believe?

On Nov 4th 2009 DFO to Victoria SFAB ... "We'll be told when the halibut season opens by Nov 19th". In mid-summer 2009 DFO assures several senior sport fishing industry reps they will know the season opening for halibut by January 1st 2010. And several on SFBC report they have the inside track from their contacts that the halibut season opens Feb 1st and the word will be out by Friday Feb 15th. Business is closed at DFO now and unlikely anything til Monday. So what is really going on? What is the fricking hold up this time?



God never did make a more calm, quiet, innocent recreation than angling - Izaak Walton
I called DFO Victoria office and was advised there would be an
announcement this afternoon,... not.
The lady i spoke with said the opening was to be Feb 01
with a 1 per day, 2 possesion limit.
Picked up me hali-anchor pkg at Trotac today.

Yee-ha! Can hardly wait to have at'er.

Anchor practice tomorrow maybe.

"Some could care less if there's any fish left for our kids!"
Originally posted by Governor

So the million dollar question ... do those fishing guides who are trying to make an honest living and who want to organize charters for halibut in February give their clients the go ahead now and risk loosing their credibility and future business???? From what I hear once that client is ticked off by a guide for what ever reason they ain't coming back.

Is all that inside line from DFO as trust worthy as we are made to believe?

On Nov 4th 2009 DFO to Victoria SFAB ... "We'll be told when the halibut season opens by Nov 19th". In mid-summer 2009 DFO assures several senior sport fishing industry reps they will know the season opening for halibut by January 1st 2010. And several on SFBC report they have the inside track from their contacts that the halibut season opens Feb 1st and the word will be out by Friday Feb 15th. Business is closed at DFO now and unlikely anything til Monday. So what is really going on? What is the fricking hold up this time?



God never did make a more calm, quiet, innocent recreation than angling - Izaak Walton

Believe it when you see it in writing.
Remember what the word ASSUME stands for.
People assumed this would happen and DFO somewhere killed it.
I was at the dentist yesterday and found myself in the waiting room with a uniformed Fisheries Officer. I asked him when he thought the halibut season was going to open and he figured that it would be March 1st.......... he also indicated that we could expect the amount of halibut available to the Sporties would be reduced further this year.......... I short, the overall discussion was something less than optimistic. I guess we will have to wait and see....:(

Well I can always buy it at Overwaitea for about the same cost as a day on the water, without the hassle of all that fresh air, sunshine and time with my family on the water. Groan.