Halibut Reports 2009 South Island

Just a thought for comment: if you locate it, and can't raise it, tie a weight onto the floating end and send it to the bottom out of harm's way.
For the cost of a whole new anchor setup, just give someone with a bigger boat and the experience some gas money to go pull the thing.

I would probably try pulling the line as singing tight to the surface as I could get it, then attaching a big scotsman. Get yourself a steel ring around 5" in diameter, stick a weight on it and a long (400+ foot) rope. Send that down along your rope, shake your mainline good so hopefully it comes down your chain somewhere close to your anchor. Slowly motor away as to not pull up the ring, you want it to stay down. attach the other end of the rope with the ring to a cleat, and give her hell. Chances are the anchor will come up or the rope will break off deep rather then pull a 24" scotsman down. Not that I've tried it, but I'll bet it would work. I have yet to meet a typical Halibut Anchor sized Danforth that the tines wouldn't bend on before a good rope would break.

Last Chance Fishing Adventures

quote:Originally posted by Time

Good picture Highliner.
The only way to rig an anchor as far as I am concerned.
And kudos to all who discussed and emphasized proper anchoring in this and the other threads.
Could be a good topic to have "pinned".
Don't want to have anybody pulling a stunt like the three football players who died off Florida last month while trying to free their anchor.

Just so everyone knows, these guys had the anchor line tied to the stern of the boat, a definate no no, and tried to free the stuck anchor by gunning it forward, which sucked the stern under and she was game over.
Working on it fins&skins ,just need a little more stainless pipe and you to get your hooches and it all good.bud
Boomer your partner said he would supply everything, then take over to the shop. Just remember it goes along way towards the rental up at Renny. Haha..

Tournament Proven !
Simply carry an extra shackle on the anchors shank ready to hook onto the chain when needed
quote:Originally posted by Barnacle Bill

Great posts, but how well does this system hold up when anchoring in rough water, or over night? Is it possible that the strap could break during the night, and the anchor being pulled loose and waking up miles away? Tight Lines,......BB

Flashman, Good idea but for some reason I never thought about tieing on a 2 pound ball and letting it go. I guess as long as I had the rope in my hand I just couldn't let it go. Something about the cost of loosing it was the reason why I left it floating. I'm going after it and if I can't get it then I will sink the rope. Thanks for giving me some ideas guys, I appreciate the responses. Steve.

And remember....Keep your tip up!!!
LastChance, I like your idea on how to get it back but when we were pulling on the anchor the 24 inch scotchman was going under water so the anchor is stuck good. If anyone thinks they can get the anchor free I would love to hear from them and would be more then happy to pay some gas money and maybe some beers for when we're done. Thanks for your input LastChance. Steve.

And remember....Keep your tip up!!!
The 2 boat method of rescuing anchors works pretty good in most cases.Just need a calmer day and lots of rope.
Is your idea to have a second boat tow my boat while I pull on the anchor? I can see why it would have to be nice and calm out. This Sunday Low tide(If you can call it low 7.18) is at 5:48 am. As long as I'm there in a slack enough tide I think I stand a better chance at pulling it. The tide had started to run pretty quick when I first tried pulling it last week and thats why it got pulled under. I'll either get it back or give it the deep six one way or another.

And remember....Keep your tip up!!!
hey, not to be a party pooper, but this thread got hijacked something fierce - really should have a new thread for anchor setups! Lets get back to halibut reports!
yeah lets get back on the hali
was out at zero rock on monday,
got one in the boat and lost one passing the rod to a bud,(weak)
heading back out today and monday again...



caught on a large mackrel and pink hoochie on spreader bars...
we tagged into 2 of those chickens today, buddy had an old frozen Tuna
which we cut into strip...
They liked it !

Caught some nice swells out of Sooke today but no flatties [8)]
Nice afternoon on the water.
