

The Fish Assassin

It says the site was hacked? anyone else get that message?
I ended up with a nasty virus too! it kinda plays music and other stuff randomly on my computer!! I don't know if it was related?
Some dumdums have nothing else better to do :(

Yup , tried last night and there was a sign from some clown as hacking in , never got any virus though just waited until today to see what was going to occur , good fast job by our mods to get us back up this quick !!!!


I tried last night and then this morning/early afternoon. Finally on after dinner.
Why someone would hack a site like this is beyond me. Didn't seem to get any viruses, but I'm on a Mac. Knock on wood?
I posted this on another thread. The guy was a well known turkish hacker.
quote:the idiot who did it is up in the right hand corner. My nephew helped me find the guy's name--apparently he is Turkish(you could see the flag on the page yesterday) and his server is in Turkey, but we couldn't nail down his isp to nail him.
I am still getting this message--Hacked By DeAmoNeRoR--- in the top right of the main page,plus a window in the left top with a little window with an X and the same message.
Me too...Too bad he's a turkey in Turkey not living locally or we could track him down and make him swim laps in a pool with large jellyfish.. :D

I'm a little concerned about security on this site. It would be reassuring if the moderaters would let us know if our info is secure. The page name is the hackers, not sportfishingbc, so who's in charge of this site?[?] eman

We appreciate the work all moderators are doing. The question about site and personal security brought up by eman needs to be answered by the whoever is in charge of this website and posted on here for all to read.
According the the search results on Google it is a common occurrence with the Snitz Forum software. It has happened on this website more than twice over it's history.

At best the scum hacked in and changed the page - at worst your email and password to this site could have been harvested. However more than likely not.

After talking with one of the new owners of this website a few months ago, it is to my understanding that they are going to be changing the site in the not too distant future. Mason

Google results.

I did a little more research and found that this site uses the latest up to date and most secure version of Snitz Forums 2000 Version 3.4.06 as of 2007. Unfortunately reading through the Snitz official help forums there is Nothing new to stop this from happening again. Looking at Google it mind boggling at how many sites in the results listings have been compromised.

In reading through the official Snitz help forums there is a post about a hacker stealing usernames and passwords...

I suggest that the mods encourage the owners of this site to investigate and remedy this issue or perhaps try a more secure and up to date software from some where else. Mason
