Guide Sales Pitch??


Well-Known Member
Had an interesting first hand call this morning, I won't type the name of the outfit out of Sooke's that's using the I will give you my limit on top of these two guests limits if you fish with me. That's **** poor, you catch the guests limits and that's a shift your supposed to be looking after our ocean's and as a professional setting an example. Perhaps this will get to the operator and he will re think, there's a prime example of printable licenses being abused as I'm sure this isn't the first time.

Good luck catching 12 salmon in December as that's their expectation based on their conversation with this guide.

When chatting with this fella about fishing around the gulf of Mexico and NC I asked who the outfit was in Sooke and he offered the operators first name and company name. If your on here that should ring a bell.
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This is so common i could name names but i won't. I know someone who had a job fueling up guide boats everyday the guides would come in with the guests limit and theirs.

With the 10 limit this year, even on social media i seen the same people posted day after day with limits of fish.
I know it is I tell my guides if it's hooked bad and going to die it stays in boat and is part of the limit. No gifting fish and if they catch anymore those fish it's for them goes on their license and home with them. No size upgrades via throwing dead fish back to keep a bigger one, some guests ask to do that and you have to be able to say no it's dead it stays in the boat. 95% of guests respect a responsible captain.
What, people abusing the easily abused sportie licensing system and erasing licenses, losing licenses, photocopying licenses, taking the neighbors kid out to expand your limit, going out twice in the same day, etc etc etc, I am shocked and stunned by this revelation.
Lets keep blaming the highly regulated commies who get every single fish counted at the dock when they unload though as they must be the problem.
What, people abusing the easily abused sportie licensing system and erasing licenses, losing licenses, photocopying licenses, taking the neighbors kid out to expand your limit, going out twice in the same day, etc etc etc, I am shocked and stunned by this revelation.
Lets keep blaming the highly regulated commies who get every single fish counted at the dock when they unload though as they must be the problem.

I think your enflating it a bit there and using at as an opportunity to throw rocks. Who says we are blaiming commercial fisheries? When the mpa drops sportfisherman and commercial guys will need each other more than ever. Remember that.