Garbage Island


Active Member
Checked into this garbage island thing that I read about the other day. It lies in the Pacific and is believed to be larger than the state of Texas. Followed it up even more and it is a real thing but saying it is an island is a bit of an exageration although it is a major problem and I wish that I could say that I have never contributed to the problem. If time, google Pacific Garbage Island and read for yourself. Can check out this site (although Morton is an A*&)

Like I said I know that I have contributed as I am sure that most of us have. So next time we see n anchovey package or a plastic or aluminum can etc. floating maybe we should net it. I don't know what the answer to the "ISLAND" is, maybe there isnt one, but???
That's terrible. We all need to take better care of this great creation. I was fishing in Renfrew last weekend and saw some a$$ hole toss a beer can right over his shoulder out of his boat. I was kicking myself later for not calling him out for it.
