Funny/Amazing youtube thread

Kelp heavey metal song[video] v4mNhHoc&ei=6mrNVJv7HoLUoAT30IDwAw&usg=AFQjCNGxsxzS2RiCYWD9JhwjG4ctSv8_dA&sig2=wmaa_HYUaWHfcXYUMPCqrA
[video] F2FvcKYE&ei=d7DVVMr3EojooAT1n4LQCw&usg=AFQjCNEjrxicjXiB2PfceAHAFUIuiuWTVg&sig2=2Amlyb6VYbDS1Tnt3rKv5wpreforms under pressure
valintine's and all for the courtship.[video] zinsGGyo&ei=PzfgVOG3IoX0oAT82IKQBg&usg=AFQjCNFoTc0cpb1oDwOJDQZgwHHYs9DMKQ&sig2=gEfF4B7XYs3T5IfRIzRz9w
Haven't seen this one in a while......and had it sent today; especially for someone (me) of Scottish descent this is good for a chuckle. :D

[video] l1lkV-pg&ei=qvzpVLDlGZfVoAT46ILYDg&usg=AFQjCNGxVYDUHLrc84rxn6_lIbrVI_BMyg&sig2=774YHvndVMqlSDHktmmZdAUkee ball field hole should produce some springs soon ,don' let these guys have all the fun shore fishin ,get out there.
A few years back we made a trip to steward lake ,asked the fellows if I could release the vidio .Thumbs up .if you freeze the vidio you can clearly see lure hooked in mouth of stealhead. having troubles posting vidio
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100_3379.jpgBringing down the CoHo with the next clip[video] ATCahwSU&ei=WL74VPDNI4iuogTR1YDwDQ&usg=AFQjCNFB7yCsr4iggcwNDS33xGvngtCPqg&sig2=4Mbg7z9N1vhbG7LCFDAFIw
F.C...someone hack your clip comment...nipples? :)
Glad I'm not the only one who wasn't sure what to make of that clip relative to the tear down of the CoHo...
I mean when I was a younger man ,we were up from the dock after repair, for lunch at the Coho ,brood springs for the hathery, so what choice do you have the coHo or what i've found in the past ,keep up girls for some fun[video] vLZJhNEk&ei=nh_5VK6FLJCOoQT65YGABQ&usg=AFQjCNGw_wYTtQfkByZShZ7Sd9AKy7K4SQ&sig2=bxCRw6NnOyclKbgLnTCviw
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