Fraser river sockeye

If the First Nations have over caught soooo much fish that they cant sell enough quick enough on the black market - and continue to throw Salmon in ditches / forests.

Then it should be shut down immediately. Thats alot!! of fish when you run into lack of buyers. Disturbing to see this happening year after year.

Is anyone tracking the fish being sent to Japan and the canneries?
I have a friend who works at St. Jeans and the 2 month wait is not from recreational fish. As a native owned cannery they buy FN fish and can for resale. Not all Fraser fish, as they started getting busy with the abundant Alberni run.
Dfo knows the numbers are screwed, they get way more fish then reported, I said it before nothing new it’s been going on for decades, this is from seeing it with my one eyes.cube vans loaded with fish tubs heading to USA by the dozens every day from the Rez in the valley, sweet nothing we can do about it, same in Albernie pick up truck sales on the side of the road, we all see it and sweet nothing we can do about it, Sox’s are a FN fish whoever thinks otherwise is living in dream land
Don't vote liberal or NDP at the ballot boxes. that's pretty much it were are stuck in it with this Liberal government. They got the mandate with the last election that people liked what they were doing.
Well, it seems the only thing that moves the needle these days are protests of one form or another. This would at least bring some publicity to the situation. Complaining about it on the internet, writing letters and attending various meetings have gotten us to where we are now.

Yup. However standing on the street corner I north van and the DFO office got us nowhere also. It's got to make the news and interviews with industry people who know what's going on around the coast.

Bob zimmer for minister
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Going to put an end to the racism conversations that have been popping up in this thread. We are not going to veer off the rails and turn this into a discussion about the definition of racism and how it applies to this topic. Everyone knows there are defined regulations granting certain rights to First Nations when it comes to priority access. Whether or not the these rights are being administered correctly might be up for debate, but that is to be determined by Government and DFO. Those discussions are fair game, but I will remind everyone that general comments regarding politics or government will not happen here. Keep it fishing related and all is good. If it veers into other areas of political discussion it will be removed.
From PSC.

The Fraser River Panel met Tuesday, August 30, to receive an update on the migration of Fraser River sockeye salmon and review the status of migration conditions in the Fraser River watershed. It is currently estimated that 3,759,700 sockeye have passed the Mission hydroacoustics site. The Panel made no changes to run size at today’s meeting. On August 29 the discharge of the Fraser River at Hope was 3,045 cms, which is approximately 19% higher than average for this date. The temperature of the Fraser River at Qualark Creek on August 29 was 19.40C, which is 2 0C above average for this date. Fraser River discharge levels and water temperatures will be monitored closely to determine if specific management actions are required during the in-river migratory period to help achieve sockeye escapement goals. All Panel Area Waters remain closed to commercial salmon fishing. The next in-season meeting of the Panel is scheduled to occur on Friday, September 2, 2022.
From PSC.

The Fraser River Panel met Tuesday, August 30, to receive an update on the migration of Fraser River sockeye salmon and review the status of migration conditions in the Fraser River watershed. It is currently estimated that 3,759,700 sockeye have passed the Mission hydroacoustics site. The Panel made no changes to run size at today’s meeting. On August 29 the discharge of the Fraser River at Hope was 3,045 cms, which is approximately 19% higher than average for this date. The temperature of the Fraser River at Qualark Creek on August 29 was 19.40C, which is 2 0C above average for this date. Fraser River discharge levels and water temperatures will be monitored closely to determine if specific management actions are required during the in-river migratory period to help achieve sockeye escapement goals. All Panel Area Waters remain closed to commercial salmon fishing. The next in-season meeting of the Panel is scheduled to occur on Friday, September 2, 2022.
That’s two reports in a row where they have forgot to add a point in front of 20C above average which should read 0.20 which is one fifth of one degree in water temp.
I find it curious how both the last two statements and probably others before state “specific management actions” if discharge or high temp are encountered and yet no one but FSC are getting any access to the fish anyway.
Just a cut and paste to satisfy the masses.
Would they put ice cubes in the water to cool it down to help achieve escapement goals as they don’t seem to mind overfishing as a cause either four years ago or right now.
Too bad the sportfisher haters can’t blame this years big run shortfall on us or global warming as neither have been a factor. Cool water and no fishing.
Apparently this is fake news, unfortunately.
I'm no fan of this Government, but Joyce Murray is a fair reasonable person. I've written to her several times and she's always responded, sometimes by phone and been helpful. She's just part of a larger group of Liberal leadership that has to follow party line and unreasonable policies set out by JT. Never thought I'd stand up for a Liberal but my experience with her has always been good. Just one mans view.
She should step down. She is not adequate for the position. She knows it. It's called fisheries management not fisheries destruction.