Fisheries department doesn’t adequately protect species at risk


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Fisheries department doesn’t adequately protect species at risk, environment commissioner’s report says​

Fisheries and Oceans Canada does not adequately protect aquatic species at risk, and demonstrates a bias against protecting species bearing commercial value, said Jerry DeMarco, commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, in a report tabled Tuesday in the House of Commons.

Though the Species At Risk Act entered into force in 2004, the department has not yet provided listing advice for half of the species assessed as being at risk. (It still hasn’t provided advice on whether Atlantic cod – populations of which crashed in the late 1980s and early 1990s, leading to a fishing moratorium – should be listed.) It also hasn’t published any scientific reports on 13 of the 15 species that fall under its direct responsibility.

The department’s approach has led to significant delays in listing at-risk species, the report stated.

Will be interesting to see what groups side with DFO and do not care about protecting stocks of concern.

Steelhead should be used as an example of lack of concern by both governments.
Interesting background. :rolleyes:

Elaine MacDonald, program director of Ecojustice's environmental health team, said DeMarco was a great choice because he had a strong background working within environmental organizations, with a focus on conservation and species. "It shows he can be an unbiased adjudicator and is up for the job now that it's not the independent position it was," she said.
SARA is to punishing and unworkable

Parlement needs to put it back on the drafting table