Fish For Kids


Well-Known Member
After reading endless posts regarding how sports fishermen are controlled by our DFO - that's right, our DFO - We all pay taxes and license fees so they can work for us. If DFO doesn't think we are important due to small numbers of sports fishing licenses issued, then let's increase those numbers. By encouraging every kid in B.C. to get a FREE salt water fishing license, our numbers will grow quickly. There must be at least 1,000,000 young people in B.C. that can get FREE licenses. Please everyone - do the right thing and take a Kid fishing - but be sure to get a FREE license first ~ one of the few things still free in this country! Do it on-line rather than waste your favorite retailers time - DFO doesn't pay well - ask Gail Shea!

I'm sure DFO will appreciate all the extra work - Job Security!

Stosh - Fish For Kids - Take a Kid Fishing - While it's still Free!
Good Idea Stosh free unless they want to keep a salmon then they must buy a salmon stamp?
Just planting seeds, grasping for something to do that will draw attention to a serious issue that causes me great concern. Since nothing else seems to work, we can at least pass this insulting treatment we are receiving from our Federal Government down to our Kids. Our rights are being eroded - we pay big time for what we have in Canada. Most of the World thinks this is the best place to live, but it's changing. Why, because we let it change. Sorry, but the whole gifting away of common property is wrong and must stop. Soon all we will be doing is looking out at the water from shore. Kinda got carried away with my #'s. I believe that 16% of our population of 4,500,000 people are under 16 which equals about 720,000, that combined with current license holders would equal about 1,000.000. Hey - I'm not perfect - far from it, but a least I, unlike DFO can make corrections to my mistakes.

Fish for Kids
Stosh. Great thoughts, it can't hurt.
My son has had a license since he was 3 months old. ( It looks great in the baby book)
Next thing you know DFO will loose track of who has a license - kinda like the ownership of hali quota.