Fish farming


Crew Member
Read an article on telus web page on a study done on fish farming and damage to native fish stocks and of course once again nothing definitive came out of it.. Other than a hole lot of tax money spent once again.. We touched on the subject a little a while back but there is more to discuss.
I think we can all agree that it is proven farming is bad for native stock's, i.e.( lice, escaped non native fish, disease from over stocked tanks and poor feed). But what is the solution. We also agree we have to cut back on commercial fishing; the economics’ just aren’t there.
So what to do to feed the people. It's easy to say go catch you're own but for most people this is unrealistic.
If salmon can live in fresh water why not use some inland lakes that don't have natural fish stocks in them. If the fish that are in them are not natural to begin with why can't they be replaced with another non-native fish? Just because the fish have been in they’re for 50 or so year's still does not mean they belong there.
Just a thought,, allot of you guy's live there give us you're point of view.