Field Report: Aquatic Invasive Invasion


Well-Known Member

Interesting approach.
Good video and great to see something is being attempted. Yes interesting approach but Canada and BC needs to wake up. We think a few escaped Atlantic salmon are an issue, imagine, lampreys, mussels, goby's, carp, and all the other real eco changing things they have back east getting here. Video states that their inspections are mandatory stops, that should be here, I had 2 boats go past while at the last boat inspection on Yellowhead. When I asked the CO why they were not chasing he stated not worth it, there really is no ramifications if caught. I say boat, trailer, motor and tackle confiscated to pay to stop invasion. Did we learn anything from the pine beetle? I still think its only a matter of when, not if?

What does the "pine beetle" mean in the context of invasive species?


Take care.
While not considered invasive, Gov at the time had full knowledge of the area in BC where beetle was exploding and refused to take any action to control, kill or even acknowledge. Action probably would not have stopped infestation of BC but may have slowed. BC is at the same "door" now again. We have current and new invasive species in BC (green crab, loostrife, broom, bullfrog) and what is being done to control, stop or eradicate them? Nothing

I see.

So no extra logging of beetle-killed wood actually happened then?

No acknowledgement by the government??


Ever considered why a number of species are moving further northward and surviving there these past few decades?

Do you understand why the Pine Beetle infestation exploded in such a short time, considering they've been here forever?

Lots to consider.

Take care.
My point is not to argue Global warming or reasons for range increase's of any species. I am OK to agree to disagree on how customarily our Gov's have handled the topic of invasive species (pine beetle is now considered one). You may think they did a good job. I say historically it has only been reaction instead of being more proactive. The video above demonstrates a good proactive approach, hopefully we will learn? Boat check stops should be enforced with the highest fines, and resources, invasive species should be treated with the utmost seriousness, look at what's at stake?

Take Care.
