DFO has cut back on hatchery Coho and you do not have a concern?


Well-Known Member
In fact they have cut back on all hatchery stocks.
They have cut production of hundred of thousands of salmon and soon they will say they cannot afford to do any.
The commercial sector has said nothing on this so i guess they are not concerned.
The sports sector appears not to be very concerned as they have not made this a priority and none of the political groups has made it a big deal.
So, in the future when there are few clipped coho to keep, remember you were advised.
If you do not like this, contact your club or the bcwf,bcfdf,bcfff etc. and tell them to get on this.
If you do nothing, nothing will happen.
Could you provide a bit more information, (eg source) as this is the first time I've heard this. I'd like to bring the matter to the attention of the Sidney Anglers Association of which I am a member but am reluctant to do so without it being first hand - no disrespect OBD.
The information was available to SFAB so you can get your information from them.
Anyone that went to the south board meeting will also have it.
not sure where u are at obd, but south island, i recruit a bunch from here every year for clipping - we get about 40 people over a weekend doing the clipping thing
DFO hatcherys, you know the ones you pay for.
We clipped about 80,000 coho at the Rosewall hatchery this year. They're going to be released in a few weeks.