confronted by a bear

dance a jig

Active Member
The guy shooting this video is deer hunting from his tree stand, when an adult-aged black bear
mosey's into the clearing directly below his tree.
What the bear does when it looks up the tree and sees the hunter may surprise you. I personally
think its an "oh crap!" moment, but this guy has got to be one cool customer ... either that, or he
had a video camera in one hand and a .44 magnum in the other!

The moral of this story must be ... "if confronted by an adult-aged black bear, just be calm
and act cool ... then merely ask the bear a question."

Turn your audio up so you can hear this. You just won't believe it unless you
hear it for yourself ! ! .

have fun. DAJ
That guy is one cool dude, continuing to film away like that. I believe bears are supposed to have not very good eyesight. Looks like the bear knew that the guy had been there judging by the way he was smelling all the branches near the ladder, but was unaware he was right above him. As soon as the guy spoke - the bear was done and away! Fascinating video.......
I guess he didn't have a bear tag. Looks like good sausage to me!
That a cool video, that guy did the right thing and I'm sure if he would of spoke up soon that bear would have been out of there.
I'm sure if I was doing the filming the bear would have probably drowned by the time he hit the top step. Bears have been clocked going up a 90 ft fir tree in 3 sec. That's 9 stories!