Blue Green Mist Flasher (Oki) - Mirror Finished

You can fall in love with a flasher one week ,than it lives in the bottom of your tackle box,one thing I do if there to to many boats I run no flasher at all ,if there is not many out there I will run one flasher with a very long leader on one side other side a 5 foot one ,but they do help bring the fish in to your bait or spoon, if you are lucky to get clear water than I with run a bait on one side a spoon on the other no flasher
I’m going more and more to the 8” flashers rather than the 11”. You still get the attractor but with way less drag on your line when fighting fish. I’ve been running them for the last couple years for lake trout and plan on picking up a few more this summer and going to start to run them almost exclusively even for salmon fishing.