BC Hydro Disaster


Well-Known Member
Thank Gordon Campbell every time you look at you're new monster hydro bills - starting today. All because we are paying Independent Power Producers several times the going rate for private hydro power, for power we that don't even need! This year we will pay out almost one billion dollars to these corporate parasites, the contract runs for 40 years - total cost 55 billion!!........http://commonsensecanadian.ca/liberals-deliberately-driving-bc-hydro-debt/
HEY dont worry if the NDP got in they would have changed that but this Gov has ruined hydro/ferries/unions (bill 29) HST/ oh i could go on forever and yet people voted the ***** in.....
HEY dont worry if the NDP got in they would have changed that but this Gov has ruined hydro/ferries/unions (bill 29) HST/ oh i could go on forever and yet people voted the ***** in.....
***** ? ... dont you mean ... DOUCHE BAG ?
I love hearing people ***** about one government or another. There will never be a perfect government. We are unfortunate that this province is sooooo polarized that you are either a capitalist pig or a social communist. Neither side will ever get it perfect, but its well documented that when we have to choose between a free-market capitalist low tax and higher employment economy, or a high tax, overburdened private sector to the benefit of government employees and unions economy, we will take the free enterprise system every time. I am not defending the Liberals, they certainly have done nothing to enhance their image. But tell me what other Viable choices are out there right now. The NDP???? They can't even organize themselves let alone try to run a province. Really the alternative is more laughable. Maybe if the NDP were to get their sh*t togther, get a leader that understands that they need to break ties with those dinosaurs called unions and reach for a middle ground they MAY be a choice fo rthe next election. If they continue to maintain that link to BC Teachers Fed, BC Fed of Labour, BCGEU, and all the other unions that belly up to the tough every time the NDP comes close to winning an election, they will never get in. Vision and clarity is something they just cannot seem to grasp.

And Wolf if you really believe that the NDP wouldf have made wholesale changes to the BC Ferry system, you have had the "wool" pulled over your eyes. ;-)
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YEAH almost as good as the GORDO HST that cost us WAYYYYYYYYYYYYmore money and a conviced DUI he got out of ...

Im talking about bill 29 that took many out of the work force including my self went form a job that I could make a living to one that was just past min wage how is that fair???and they privatized alot look at how the ferries are now a complete JOKE cut cut cut and charge more but ohhh wait the CEO get there 33 million in bonus,s now there the JOKE its a highway system not highway robbery!!!!!!now pensioners who have worked hard all there lives have to pay even more i think they have paid enough , next your going to say taking away a vets rights is ok too ...
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In my opinion, disabled people are the only ones that should ride for free.
There are a lot of seniors(especially in Victoria) who draw more in pension income
than I do working full time.
sorry for the hi jack back to the Hydro rip off
yes...I remember glen Clark and the fast Cats......a fast ferry that the public wanted at the time because everyone was beefing about how long it took to get to the mainland.

Not many were opposed to them.

Of course back then the ferries had more traffic because everyone could afford to use them.

The fast cats had a couple of engineering problems. Too much wake at speed and the engines were underpowered for that particular application.

"Fast" ferries (of which there have been several incarnations....hydrofoils etc.) have never historically done well here........

But when the fast cats were slowed down and ran at normal speeds they were perfectly good.......so there was no need to get rid of them as Campbell did....total waste of money on his part and he all but gave them away for free to Dan Washington (his shipbuilder American buddy).

Next to go are our parks..........Clark is going to allow industrial "exploration" in the parks....and when they find something "exploring " and "testing" then naturally Clark will come out with a pitch about how it benefits our economy and is "good for us".

"Hell no Clark!.......I want my park!!"
In my opinion, disabled people are the only ones that should ride for free.
There are a lot of seniors(especially in Victoria) who draw more in pension income
than I do working full time.
sorry for the hi jack back to the Hydro rip off

You are correct.

Seniors can flush their assets into the name of their children and then collect all of the OAS and other old-age benefits.

I have seen multi-million dollar net worth elderly individuals transfer their assets and claim these low-income amounts, full well having millions in assets under their family member's name.

The ageing general population in Canada scares the crap out of me for this very reason and many others...

That being said, if you could get the $ as a free handout, wouldn't you?

It's a sticky situation.... but I hope it is fixed by the time I retire in 45 years....
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YES, get ready to lighten your wallets again;every year we could add a $$ to our monthly bills....Hydro,ferry rates,Government surcharges for bungled waste projects,sewer, bridge builds,gov commissions,studies,tax $ paid for infomercials ...
Let's start with hydro because this has the biggest impact on our daily lives; is the power rate hike the result of years of greed or Government mismanagement.
Sure pointing fingers at unions or free loading spinster grannies is a scapegoat for rising service rates; sorry to say the greed starts at the top & they're counting on us to right the sinking ship. Hydro needs some accountability not to mention transparency; no instead we get another hood winking politician in sheep's clothing to pull the wool...

Yep here's another Billy-goat inspired fairy tale read; to avoid extra power consumption use candlelight & Step 1 (reduced rate)...:)

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But when the fast cats were slowed down and ran at normal speeds they were perfectly good.......so there was no need to get rid of them as Campbell did....total waste of money on his part and he all but gave them away for free to Dan Washington (his shipbuilder American buddy).

I usually don't disagree with you as most of your facts are well researched-however when the fast cats were slowed down they were " not alright" The engineering on them was poor. The fact was that the overheight (O/H) deck could only accommodate O/H vehicles in the centre lanes because the hydraulic rams that operated the doors ran across the O/H side lanes limiting height to normal height vehicles. I know -I was left sitting with an O/H vehicle twice while the fast cat sailed with a half empty O/H deck. Slowed down the fast cats burned way more fuel than a conventional hull at that speed. Just a poorly thought out short-term government SNAFU!!
I usually don't disagree with you as most of your facts are well researched-however when the fast cats were slowed down they were " not alright" The engineering on them was poor. The fact was that the overheight (O/H) deck could only accommodate O/H vehicles in the centre lanes because the hydraulic rams that operated the doors ran across the O/H side lanes limiting height to normal height vehicles. I know -I was left sitting with an O/H vehicle twice while the fast cat sailed with a half empty O/H deck. Slowed down the fast cats burned way more fuel than a conventional hull at that speed. Just a poorly thought out short-term government SNAFU!!
It seems to me I remember that they had declared the fast cats as unsafe dur to structural welds cracking shortly aftert the initial test runs as well.
The fast ferry debt was approximately 1 billion - BC hydro owes the Independent Power Producer's 55 billion! It's like comparing a mouse to an elephant.
The fast ferry debt was approximately 1 billion - BC hydro owes the Independent Power Producer's 55 billion! It's like comparing a mouse to an elephant.

Yea or like when we gave the entire false creek waterfront to Li Ka Shing for $300million then spent more than $300 million of taxpayers money to clean the soil. Funny how it always comes back to fast ferries.
Spring Fever:- how dare you confuse my version of reality with facts!!!!!!!.....LOL......just kidding:eek::eek::eek:

Design flaws don't qualify as a "scandal" though.......

I never drove an O/H vehicle so I never experienced the same as you.

What really gets me is how the Liberals under Clark keep proclaiming how good the province is doing......yet all we see is school closures, hospital melt-downs, program after program being cut, rate hike after rate hike, more and more user fees....the list just keeps getting bigger.