And you thought Halibut Quota was fun. This one will be coming soon.


Well-Known Member
Fishery Notice - Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Subject: FN0402-Area F Troll ITQ Chinook Instruction Package

Area F Troll Chinook ITQ Fishery

The initial Area F individual transferable quota share for Chinook is 0.4167%
of a commercial TAC of 221,300 Chinook. The individual quota in pieces for each
Area F licence is 922 Chinook.

An Area F Troll instruction package that includes the Chinook ITQ Temporary
Reallocation Request Form is available for pick up at the Prince Rupert and
Queen Charlotte DFO offices. Alternatively, if you require an instruction
package or reallocation amendment forms to be sent to you, please contact the
Area F Troll Manager, Peter Katinic, at 250-559-8330 or peter.katinic@dfo-

Reallocation forms may be emailed to or faxed to
250-559-4678. Completed forms may also be dropped off at the Queen Charlotte
or Prince Rupert DFO offices. They will take up to 1 business day to process
once transfers commence in June.

Commercial salmon licences which have not yet met catch reporting licence
conditions for previous salmon seasons will require that you take action to
resolve any outstanding issues prior to any reallocation of quota for the 2014

The Area F Troll Chinook ITQ fishery is currently planned to open on June 21st
which is consistent with Zone 1 management objectives for Early Fraser 52
Chinook. There is an option to open the fishery earlier provided there is an
in-season upgrade to Zone 2 management for Early Fraser 52 Chinook. Refer to a
Fisheries Notice released in early June for fishery opening details.
Maybe one of the commercial guys here can comment, but my understanding is that this is always how the commercial chinook fishery has worked. I don't see anything in this notice that spills over to the recreational chinook fishery.
I believe the commercial fishery has traditionally been on the lines of there are a set number of pieces available to harvest and once they are caught the fishery closes. The better boats take more of that number and the others get less. Looks like that has changed and now they all get a set number, so long as they catch them in the time allotted.
Sounds like they are in the process of allocating fish. if they do it right they will allocate fish EACH year to fishermen NOT assign quota once and then allow the lucky few to lease, sell or trade it.
Sounds like they are in the process of allocating fish. if they do it right they will allocate fish EACH year to fishermen NOT assign quota once and then allow the lucky few to lease, sell or trade it.

It's the same as it's been for years. They can move quotas among licensed vessels. Rarely do they catch it all as they are capped by southern morts.