And after Renfrew ???

scott craven

Well-Known Member
Sleepy liitle Port Renfrew will only remain that way for a short while. A Victoria based consortium has purchased large tracts of land
that will soon be developed into multiple housing and a potential
new marina.
You can well imagine the additional pressure that will put on the
Salmon and Halibut fisheries there.
Fishermen from the southern part of the island may soon be looking further west for sustainable fishing, and there really isn't much
until you hit Bamfield.
Then, it's only a matter of time and the same will happen.
i guess we call it progress [V]

p.s. this may be old news to some of you.
Had the main developers here at EagleCraft yes it is true, there is going to be a resort/hotel and a large marina over by the goverment dock. They will also be doing a lot of work on making a bigger breakwater for protection of boats moored in the new marina. They have bought a number of parcels of land in Rennie and also on the Sunshine Coast.

p.s. No plans yet of building a Fishing Resort in Rennie so they say!!

Cheers ME
It is already happening in Ucluelet. Island West Resort was bought out and the new owners are planning on a big time resort for folks with big dollars. Life as we know it is changing in front of our eyes.
The working man on VI is taking it up the butt and not saying a ****in' word about it.

EVERY ones way of life will change if things keep on keepin' on. Look at Qualicum Beach or Cortez Island for example.

Let's RISE UP before it's to goddamned late!