

Anybody know what's going on with the price of anchovies. They are anywhere from 10.00 to 13.00 dollars a pack here in Nanaimo.
Last time I checked the US $ was kicking the crap out of the loonie....look there for your answer.
the US dollar impacted the anchovy pricing...herring shortage news to me.. green herring perhaps...
I bought 3 cases before our dollar tanked and was told by my bud now is the time before he raised it to reflect the exchange so i was very lucky and then vacuumed sealed 2 trays in a bag myself, as it will keep a long time then.if you buy it by the case generally its a lot cheaper.
And ill be honest last year when the pinks were crazy I had Andrew P spoons out performing bait, especially the herring one , that one spoon got over 20 springs last year and its still working that how tough they are well worth the price.....its so beat up now as the finish is completely gone on the back end from teeth, ive returned about 5 of his spoons to him from abuse from fish LOL
I bought a couple of packs at wholesale sports last week for $8.49 . Went to buy a pack yesterday they were $12.99 so I will be looking elsewhere for bait now.
Anybody been dropping the herring jigs for fresh bait and if so any quick way to brine ? Also hear there's an unusual amount of Anchovies around this year.
There have been lots reported on the Vancouver side as well...sure would be nice to see some consistent returns for a few years...maybe have some live bait sales like years gone by... Sure would be nice