Albion test fishery - Fraser River chinook 2021

Albion numbers won't be accurate as you have had 3-4 boats in the area netting non stop in the path of the Albion. Not too mention the other boats that were netting above the Golden Ears.

This isn't even considerering any other netting activity below the Golden Ears to the mouth.

Any late sockeye, wild coho or steelhead would have been decimated the last little bit.
Numbers seem super low. Looks like the peak was Aug 22 ish.
I hope they are late for the fish sake. At what point do the move over to a hatchery model?

here’s the link but maybe I’m looking at the wrong data? https://www-ops2.pac.dfo-
Albion numbers won't be accurate as you have had 3-4 boats in the area netting non stop in the path of the Albion. Not too mention the other boats that were netting above the Golden Ears.

This isn't even considerering any other netting activity below the Golden Ears to the mouth.

Any late sockeye, wild coho or steelhead would have been decimated the last little bit.
As someone that was out today the amount of fish hooked was really grim off the Fraser.
As a sportsman you hope they all went up in August and thats life but this doesn’t appear to be the case at least in any big numbers.
I hear you re low and or no reliable info or circumstances but it doesn’t sound like anywhere had a good year ….
What rivers are normally the most protected from the rampant net fishing in the river, is that Chiliwack and Harrison?

I grew up in Prince George and I remember there used to be a strong run of Chinook to the Nechako, now I think it's near extinction.

I am not sure where exactly the Albion test fishery is setup on the river, it's sad that a massive system like the fraser with all it's tributaries have basically no salmon returning to it, again pardon my ignorance, is there basically no hatchery's on the tributaries? I know of a couple but thinking columbia river (apples to oranges I know they get huge funding from the government) but seems they are able to have full on recretional openings, commercial fisheries, native fisheries, in river recretional fisheries and still have enough for the hatchery brood stocks.
I was wondering as I released some very nice and big Sockeye in early September at Sand Heads. Any data yet?