Airport /North-arm springs



howdy everyone,great forum. have been enjoying reading all your stories and tips since last summer.Thought it was time to join in. It was windy sunday so when my boating buddy called wanting to go out, I made it look like I had things to do.... that is until he said he was bringing all the food and other supplies.We left steveston at low tide heading for the bellboy at pt. grey, decided to troll there starting around the t-10 marker.I have 1 downrigger and dropped my cop-car close to the bottom at 100 ft.My friend used a plastic device ahead of his apex with a shot of wd-40 on it. I figure he was down only about 30ft.10 minutes later he reeled in a 27"spring.another 10 min. he pulls in a 30" spring wtf..? the sun was going down so it was time to go.the water smoothed out so it was pedal to the metal.,great ride in. great day. .....p.s. I got to take the smaller fish home. cheers
Thanks for the report. Will give it a whirl over there myself March 1st. Guess I'll pack some WD too.
Thanks for the report. Will give it a whirl over there myself March 1st. Guess I'll pack some WD too.