A reminder that winter comming.

I've always put full winters on my vehicles, until I bought the Silverado I have now. It came from the factory with Goodyear M+S and they've been fine. That truck goes up to Apex pretty much every weekend of the ski season plus jobsites with temporary/unfinished driveways, it has all the traction it needs. My RWD cargo van and the wife's FWD hatchback will continue to get winter tires fitted, but a big heavy 4WD truck has lots of 'bite' on the road surface. When it does lose grip under cornering loads, it goes out nice and easy and comes back just as smoothly. Small cars are more twitchy, everything happens faster so winters make for more predictability. Best thing is the M+S stay on all year, no need to buy a second set plus rims. The truck is coming up on 60,000 km and the tires have at least another year in them.