A Little Hope For The Future.......

Dave H

Well-Known Member
The pic below shows the outline of a redd created by a pair of coho about a week ago. The flow of water really outlines it.
This redd is on the West Branch of Haig-Brown's Kingfisher Creek in behind what we call the Pease's cabins area.
Look closely and you'll see a couple of sandbags across the creek which I and a couple of other creek lovers placed there several months ago
in order to slow or stop a "leak" out of the main channel. By doing that we kept enough water in the channel that the first pair of coho I've seen up
there in four or five years used that little gravel bar to spawn in.
Sometimes a simple little thing can have a payoff you can see and enjoy.

Take care.

Dave-- you are right. Just a little TLC can pay off for our salmon. Another example is Jeremy's efforts to get fish above the road culvert on Menzies Creek. Good on you guys.