22-26 Ft. trailer Wanted


Well-Known Member
We sold our fifth wheel last year and would like to buy something smaller/lighter.Something newer than 2004 and in the $10-$15K price range.Don't need bunks anymore or a leaker or rebuilt unit.If you know someone that isn't using their trailer anymore that's in good shape call Ray @ 1-250-656-5890,PM or e-mail hawthornes@telus.net Thanks, I'm in Victoria but willing to travel.
Ray, if I'm not mistaken the RV shows/open houses are in March and that could prompt some good used ones once that has happened... just food for thought
Thanks,there seems to be good deals on big trailers,but can't find a good small one.We're flexible , but would like a walk around queen bed and probably rear kitchen. Could maybe stretch the budget for the right trailer,like an Arctic Fox.
Ray I don't know if it is the value of our dollar or what but man new and used trailers have gone through the roof. I have a buddy that has been looking for a couple months and he's thinking he really screwed up selling his. I would love to sell my trailer and get back into a camper but just can't afford it with these prices.

hope something pops up for you.

It just doesn't make sense for me to buy new when I only plan on using it maybe 6 or 7 times a year,mostly weekends.Problem is a lot of the older ones have leaked and have rotten floors etc. and the better makes (Arctic Fox) are pricey.Something should show up soon,better weather will get people outside,cleaning up their trailers ,and thinking about if they have time to use them this summer.