2023 OFFISHALL Vancouver-Howe Sound-Sechelt Reports Thread

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Started at HITW (even tried @Aquaholic honey hole) moved to Hutt and had a ling take a green hoochie which was released. Worked our way down to Tunstall then over to Van harbour. Went through multiple combinations of gear mostly right on the bottom with no luck. Beauty day once the sun came out.
Just my opinion here, but I think you'd have better success staying somewhere and waiting for the bite to come on. With that amount of traveling around you could have missed it in transit. I've found that during the winter the bite can be as short as a 30 minute window. I've had several "successful" days lately doing laps for three hours until I finally had a one and done hit.
Just my opinion here, but I think you'd have better success staying somewhere and waiting for the bite to come on. With that amount of traveling around you could have missed it in transit. I've found that during the winter the bite can be as short as a 30 minute window. I've had several "successful" days lately doing laps for three hours until I finally had a one and done hit.
Was it by choice or worried about flashing up the inboards? 🥶
absolute the hottest bite on 60 cm Chinook I’ve ever had at porlier so far this morning . Lost count , 200’ line dragging ballz
Hope you find a few keepers in the mix … we are going to drop the lines at Porlier on the way back from Saltspring tomorrow a.m.
absolute the hottest bite on 60 cm Chinook I’ve ever had at porlier so far this morning . Lost count , 200’ line dragging ballz
Did you find any keepers?
Has anyone tried fishing for anchovies in local waters? If yes, any advice on time of year and general location would be appreciated. I've heard some people use Sabiki rigs off of the piers in Richmond, but never seen them myself. Given how much bait prices are outpacing inflation, was giving this some thought.
Has anyone tried fishing for anchovies in local waters? If yes, any advice on time of year and general location would be appreciated. I've heard some people use Sabiki rigs off of the piers in Richmond, but never seen them myself. Given how much bait prices are outpacing inflation, was giving this some thought.
90-100 ft
once again ,

i will defend Scotty lol , maybe just a complete fluke on my end , i run 5 x 2106 riggers , prob above average use , 60- 80 days a year , i use the Sunbrella Covers when not in use in the Spring Summer, and store them inside when not in use in the Winter , Ive changed the counters out every 3- 4 years on the expected battery shelf life , keep 2 spares in both boats at all time , Never any issues. plenty of friends that have very similar experiences , Human Nature tends us to post about the bad experiences more often than good ,
ive had a few covers blow off on the highway lol !! thats about it .... fix... use the sumbrella covers in transport , havent lost one since...

IMHO , love them.....
Nice! I can't figger out dem downreagers. I just use a 32.5 Oz banana weight and count to 58 as I free spool at 30 knots. I caught one of dem "spring" salmons a couple of years ago, so I know I'm doing well. Very proud of myself. It's very nice.
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