WTB: flytying materials, hooks, etc


New Member
Hey everyone,

Long story short in February I was in a nasty accident and had to take over half the year off work. In order to keep a roof over my familys head and bills paid I had to sell a great majority of my greatest passion which was my tying gear. Now I am back at work and lifes back on track and I am looking to gear up again with materials, hooks, tools etc. If you have anything for a reasonable price please let me know. I am going absolutely nuts not tying. I have tried ebay but alot of the big lots for sale go right out of my price range. I forgot how pricey it can be to start over...
Not sure where you are or if Westshore has finally closed the doors but they were slashing some prices. If they are still going I would bet that they are pretty picked over.. Worth a shot though