Who will I see?????


Well-Known Member
SOOOO. who will be at the SFBC Derby BBQ? My self and a couple others will be heading down from CV.

Hope a bunch of you join us. If for no other reason it supports a good cause and maybe will help ensure that it continues again next year.

The fact that there is a crap load of cool stuff to be handed out dose not hurt either.

Who else is coming and from where?
I will do my best to get there, would really like to meet an bunch of you guys and support the great cause that FA has worked is a$$ for.

Well, I guess I should show up..... :)

I might even bring the family..... I'll have room for 2-3 more if you want to car pool from the Comox Valley

This is a great thread, thanks for starting it Ray. This will able me to have an idea how many people we are expecting.
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I will be there coming up from Victoria,fishing with the Ascent helicopter boy's,one of the corporate sponsors of this event.We will be fishing out of the boat Rodzilla.
Can't wait as this will be my first time for the Tuna's.Lets hope the fishing picks up.
Cheers boy's,see you at the bbq Fiday nt.
I'm In.......