What Is The Best Cure To Prevent Sea Sickness


Active Member
Just curious to hear what people find works the best to prevent sea sickness. I am lucky and dont get sea sick but know many that do suffer from it including my 15 year old son and it sure can spoil what could have been a great day fishing. I know for newbies it can turn them off from fishing completely.

Thanks ME
Cheers All,

I have had a couple of incidents of sea sickness and it isn't fun! One time digging fouled line out of trolling motor which required hanging upside down in 5' slop while the other time changing out racors during a boat delivery assignment - again in 5' plus water. :(

For my guests on the ECVI I recommend gravol as the water here rarely becomes an issue. That it is a bit drowsy is an added benefit! ;) I used to recommend Bonemine (same as is offered by Canadian Princess) but, unfortunately, it is no longer available in Canada. You can still obtain it in USA. It works great. For guests on the WCVI I recommend The Patch. Nice thing with the patch is that you put it on the night before and you are good for 3 days and I have never had a guest in 20 years have problems if they have applied it the night before. Good for the whole weekend. Gravol is cheap...patch is expensive...both work.
i just offer gravol to guests on my boat. i usually take some myself for the first day out each year its not worth taking the chance to ruin a great day on the water. when fishing consectutive days, usually by day 2 or3 everyone is use to the motion and its no longer a problem
Bonamine x 3 ... great stuff if you can find it ... but apparently it isnt made anymore or its not available in canada ?

if not .. gravol the night before and a half a tab in the morning...
For me: patch, gravol (lots), braces, lots of sleep, limited alcohol, non-greasy food, only looking straight at the horizon, never go under-deck, don't tie knots.... and then some prayers and I MIGHT be fine.

Some of my friends wonder how fishing can be fun for me? Lol

It's the swells that can get me badly, the short frequency 10' + swells.
Chop can be uncomfortable but doesn't make me seasick. Only the west coast swells can be bad.
Fishing Swiftsure every day in the summer the only thing is the patch for my clients. It works and at 15 he's good to go...:)
Have had a good number of Folks who simply cannot get out there without puking tag along each season. Ernie Ross (Royal Quest) came up with this one...

Can't recall the exact name of the drug. But...
Get to your Doctor and explain to him that you are aware of the prescription based anti-motion sickness drug taken by Airline Pilots. Insist that he issues this to you (they almost always will). Follow the instructions accordingly. Works INCREDIBLY Well. Since suggesting this to my clients, even the most Hardcore Pukers have been instantly cured! Had one fella so bad he would spout before we even left the dock! Never has even in rough seas since he got with this program! Bonus, you do NOT get drowsy! And no side-effects (as long as you go easy on the wobbly-pops! LOL!)

I can get seasickness and at times I chew on a piece of ginger root or the ginger extract meds as they definitely help settle your stomach. If I am going to be fishing for 2 or 3 days in bad conditions I use one of the behind the ear patch’s good for a few days and leave it on. Since I have been doing this, no problems. I also find that the more time I spend on the water the more resistant I am to seasickness, so I ‘am more careful in the early season.

If you are beginning to feel out of sort, let others do the knot tying, bait rigging, and navigation etc. and take some extra ginger. Last year no problems at all; hopefully I maybe outgrowing it.
I tell my clients have a gravol before you go to bed and then 1/2 a pill when you wake up as its in your system and dont get to drowsy seems to work for them....

Hey rockfish maybe its the new bigger boat???

My wife takes Gravol the night before and Ginger extract pills froth the heath food store the morning of and she rocks out like a champ. It might be a placebo effect thing but the ginger pills really do seem to work. They did a motion sickness thing on mythbusters awhile ago and ginger pills were deemed the most effective.
hot ginger candies-preferably the hard type. Only seems to take about 3-4 minutes for them to work and the warming sensation in the gut helps on the cold wet days when you're out of Fireball
Bonomine works for me offshore everytime and I'm convinced it even helps with the hangover after a million beers.

Most compound pharmacists have the recipe to cook them up, at least a couple i know in Vic.
the patch-- transderm -V- works well for me --Costco-9dollars and change for 3 patches doesnt make me drowsy-- but some of these other suggestions sound good too!! great topic!!!
Hey Guys

It does suck but I get sea sick a lot and all I need is a 4 foot roller and I can fell it big time. Wind waves and chop that beat you and the boat up don't seem to bug me very much. I just got back from a trip and we got into some big swell 10-12foot swell and chop on top of that!!! I was so worried before we hit that water that I was going to be sick and really regret paying for a guide to take us out for Sailfish. I took Meclozine 2 pills in the morning and 2 pills at night for 5 days before we hit the water. It was AWESOME I did not get sick for the first time in my life in the big stuff. I always get sick so for you guys that are looking for something that works Meclozine is the ticket just take it for a few days before your Salmon trip and good to go. Also I only had a small cup of coffee before we hit the water any foods or drinks that are high in acid are a No No!
Hope this works for you!!
Best thing for me has been Gravol. I had no problems at all last summer and we saw some pretty big swells.
This past week we spent on the West Coast and I was suffering from an inner ear disorder that I've had for years.In that case, nothing works for me. I had a pretty tough time out there.
I tell my clients have a gravol before you go to bed and then 1/2 a pill when you wake up as its in your system and dont get to drowsy seems to work for them....

Hey rockfish maybe its the new bigger boat???


Yea it definetely bounces around less than the 17 footer.