Victoria Motor Theives Hard At Work...

Well, I should have taken that tip and ran with it....

I got a call this morning from the Vic PD. They got my 2.5hp Yami back. That said, the top is missing and it looks to be dragged through the dirt. They got it back from a guy that was messing around with it on a little dingy down town. He said that the guy was from the floating freeloaders by the trestle.

Yup, we saw him leaving in front of the Empress Hotel 4pm. Said the cops had taken his kicker away. He left sitting on top of a black moped that was in his 8' dingy with a straw broom for a paddle. He said he was paddling against the ebb back up to the selkirk waterway.
All the tourists lined up to take pictures of this nut. Quite a sight. Called it in VicPD