Took a kid fishing today.

scott craven

Well-Known Member
A fellow from work asked if i would take him and his young son fishing today.
The lad at 5 years old was pretty darn good on the water, but after trolling for salmon
for a 1/2 hour it became evident this was not fishing for him.
Packed up the downriggers and ran to a spot where there's usually lots of rockfish.
For 2 hours in the sunshine we jigged greenling, lings and quillbacks in 30' of water
and junior reeled in most of them.
The squeals of delight as he reeled them up made me realize how kids get hooked
on the sport we love.
Good day on the water.:)
NOW thats and awesome report!
thank you for doing that.
That is awesome
I love hearing tales of kids on the water and I think probably RS will remember it as long as the folks he was good enough to take out.
Reminds me of why I love it so much wen I see or hear new lifer getting hooked
Good on ya !!!!!!!!!
It's great...

This is what we did afternoon of cutthroat catch and release :) Can't think of a better way to spend the afternoon!


I knew the 8 yr old daughter was hooked when, after she spotted bites and reeled in a few small lingers, (trolling)
she saw her first salmon strike (45 ft. deep) literally chucked her freshly opened bag of skittles aside and went for the rod.

*= a little help
That's awesome, good on you for doing that!! Cheers...

Edit...maybe you can tell me where that spot is, haven't done much bottom fishing around Vic :O)
Fishing is a beautiful thing to bring into a childs life. My dad and grandfather took me as soon I could hold a rod. I have done the same with my children and their friends. My son brought his then 12 year old friend last year. Never fished on the ocean before. We got him set up and the very first fish he ever caught was a 84 lb halibut. This summer that same boy was hooking up the downrigger checking the lowrance and setting the line at the correct depth. :)
Thanks for this report Scott. Fish karma is gonna reward you with something special. Very cool.