There sure has been a lot off......


Active Member
There sure has been a lot of......

Bitchiness around the board lately.........

Some of y'all need to mellow, take a breath, laugh it off?

Maybe listen to a good song..... Not to take anything away from The Who but I am a big Eddie Vedder fan

It is a long intro.... punch the song right to 50 seconds


Maybe go for a hike...


Get out and smell the spores...


It is nice out there..

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check out the scenery.....



Take some rods....


And if you are lucky you might catch something....



Dr. Lipripper PhD.

Now to go get some more popcorn and check out the hali threads......
Sweet day Doctor!. I was out alone today, which doesn't happen often. And I was thinking about how great it'll be when junior is old enough to come along.
S2...... You will wake up one day and he will be 10

As soon as they could walk I bought bikes that were to big, rods that were too big.... Tried to force them to like what I like. It didn't work, I left it.
Now they ask me to go :eek:
It wont be long till I need to find a set or two of kids waders...
They both really wanted to catch one though... I guess it is the lake next weekend.

PM me some details of your day.... Sounds like it was a gooder
S2...... You will wake up one day and he will be 10

Yep, 10 is a good age I find as well. I have one that just turned 10 a few days ago, a GIRL!! Even the girls like to go (when they're younger like 10 - 15ish then they start to lose interest). You can take them earlier, and they like it but... 10 is when they can go for longer stretches and stay more focused on the task at hand. Also they are more self sufficient at 10. My older girl who's 17 isn't too interested in fishing time with dad in the boat but occasionally I can convince her to come along. ;-)
"S2...... You will wake up one day and he will be 10"

My son is 18 today, we don't fish much anymore ,
but when he was 10 or 12 he wouldn't miss a chance to go.
Hope one day he'll take me fishing when i'm too old to go by myself . :)
"S2...... You will wake up one day and he will be 10"

My son is 18 today, we don't fish much anymore ,
but when he was 10 or 12 he wouldn't miss a chance to go.
Hope one day he'll take me fishing when i'm too old to go by myself . :)

Most likely that will happen for us all. Went full circle with me and my dad and I am hoping it will repeat the cycle with my son. Some of my best memories, so far, are the trips to Rivers Inlet. Now I get one "boys" trip as the wife is very reluctant to give up her seat. LOL
"S2...... You will wake up one day and he will be 10"

My son is 18 today, we don't fish much anymore ,
but when he was 10 or 12 he wouldn't miss a chance to go.
Hope one day he'll take me fishing when i'm too old to go by myself . :)
They come around, but it will take a few years. My son is now 23. Two years ago, I got him into Scuba Diving and he loves it. I've been a diver for only about 35 years ;-) This year he will be coming on our annual Kyuquot fishing trip and he just signed up for his CORE course so he can come hunting in the fall. It just takes a little while for them to realize that the real world is cooler than the video game world, and even now he still regresses back.
They come around, but it will take a few years. My son is now 23. Two years ago, I got him into Scuba Diving and he loves it. I've been a diver for only about 35 years ;-) This year he will be coming on our annual Kyuquot fishing trip and he just signed up for his CORE course so he can come hunting in the fall. It just takes a little while for them to realize that the real world is cooler than the video game world, and even now he still regresses back.

LOL My son is 21 and while I thought he was ahead of schedule....the brain is still tucked away for safe keeping up on the shelf most of the time. It all comes down to dear old dad sitting in the hospital holding my new son and saying "Son, I hope he grows up to be just like YOU" and it is so true!!! But I wouldn't have it any other way. For the most part all you can do is instill some values into them lead by example and let them make their own mistakes. Eventually they start learning and listening.
Best quote on this topic I have seen is as follows:-

"By the time a man is old enough to know that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who knows he's wrong" !

Captures the maturity circle of life perfectly......
Best quote on this topic I have seen is as follows:-

"By the time a man is old enough to know that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who knows he's wrong" !

Captures the maturity circle of life perfectly......

I like that.....So true
Also known as "when my son was 17 he thought I was too dumb to tie my own shoelaces. By the time he turned 21 he was amazed at how much I had learned"
"S2...... You will wake up one day and he will be 10"

My son is 18 today, we don't fish much anymore ,
but when he was 10 or 12 he wouldn't miss a chance to go.
Hope one day he'll take me fishing when i'm too old to go by myself . :)

Happy b-day to yer kid RS. I recall going through much the same at that age... I would bet that he will be back.

Give it 4 or 5 years... Panties smell nice at 18