Swiftsure bank tackle advise


Well-Known Member
Heading to port renfrew Thursday for the weekend fishing has been a little slow on the beach I hear if that's the case I think I'm going to make the run out to the bank any tackle suggestions would be most appreciated.
sonora hootchie, white uv and brown turd. hali, big white spoon.
Just picked up a brown turd at trotac tnx for the tip.its a different style of hootchy like a cuddle fish
Tnx guys for all the tips what's the average amount of fuel do you usually burn I know every boat is different it all depends on power and hull but I'm running a 200df suzuki on a 4500lb boat
We've done really well at Swiftsure trolling 4-5" Tomic plugs in the pearlescent white pattern. I wouldn't leave shore without them.
As for fuel usage - most guys from Renfrew tend to fish just off the west end of the closure near the border. That's about at 27mile run from Renfrew. Depending on whether you're a deep-V or a flatter bottom boat (like a C-Dory), and depending on how hast you want to run, your fuel mileage will range someplace between 1.5 and 6mpg (the latter can be achieve by running at about hull speed or 5-6kts). Assuming a deep V and 20kts, you're probably at 2MPG so figure about 15gal (~57liters) each way. Alot that much again for safety and a little for trolling.
I would say Seadna is pretty close for that boat of yours? Obviously water will dictate if you eat more gas or not. Most days I would say I would use 90 to 100 litres running to the Ranch and back. You will use more on the way out going against the swell and working the throttle than coming in. The ride in is always softer than the ride out......95% of the time anyways........lol