Sooke River ???


When would you start fishing the Sooke River with your fly gear, I would like to give it a shot this year. What types of salmon are in the Sooke river and a suggestion on the best types of flies would be appreciated. Thanks
Before mid October... Never hurts to have a look.

Stay away from the snaggers though they just disrupt the fish and the odds of getting one to bite is drastically lowered.
There is mostly chum and coho in that river. I guess many years ago there used to be steelhead in that river. Didn't see any steelhead last year. Pink, purple and blue worked really well last year.
Fins, you forgot to mention he will he standing beside the bike with the basket on it :D

"The lead doesn't matter, they are hitting the bead.... with their tail"
What a donkey that guy is. I can't stand going there anymore as he is not alone in his practice.
I used the circle hook on a few flies last year too.... pretty good way to avoid accidental snagging but hard to get the hook out especially with some monster chum fangs to deal with.

Mid October, stick with the standard salmon flies in greens and blues. I went to flies tied on circle hooks to avoid snagging and actually catching them in the mouth.
I used the circle hook on a few flies last year too.... pretty good way to avoid accidental snagging but hard to get the hook out especially with some monster chum fangs to deal with.

I've found the best is just don't use sinking lines and try not to drag bottom, the fresh fish will slam the fly just a few inches - feet below the surface IME
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He has been ticketed on more than one occasion.

I have no problems with what the T'sou-ke band does down there. They are good compared to some (if that is what you were implying)
I would just like to say. Some people cannot afford to get out into the ocean and fish. You all know how much a boat can cost and launching or mooring and gas... Alot of people are very poor. If you base your meat portion of your diet on dark chum and enjoy it things are probably pretty rough. Dont be to quick to e-judge. I think he is exception. Tho a few others in Sooke look pretty hard up. The snaggers and flossers who call themselves fisherman you see in renfrew or other rivers are just douche bags who dont know how to fish.
Hey Stalker, just spend some time down there and watch this guy and his buddies. After you watch there technique you will be comparing them to the Renny crowd.
I would just like to say. Some people cannot afford to get out into the ocean and fish. You all know how much a boat can cost and launching or mooring and gas... Alot of people are very poor. If you base your meat portion of your diet on dark chum and enjoy it things are probably pretty rough. Dont be to quick to e-judge. I think he is exception. Tho a few others in Sooke look pretty hard up. The snaggers and flossers who call themselves fisherman you see in renfrew or other rivers are just douche bags who dont know how to fish.

So the guys off sooke river are so poor and hard up we should let them snag fish? Not sure I follow the logic?
Im not saying it ok. This guy was getting vilified and lumped in with all snaggers so I just wanted to point that a few people dont just do this for the hell of it.

The worst thing in the world is seeing a fish snagged. But seeing a fish snagged by a hungry person is still shity but is more understandable and is nothing compared to watching people do it for sport or just because they can and in rivers where they are helpless.

Also these arnt prize winning heritage breeding Chinook here. They are chum.
Im not saying it ok. This guy was getting vilified and lumped in with all snaggers so I just wanted to point that a few people dont just do this for the hell of it.

The worst thing in the world is seeing a fish snagged. But seeing a fish snagged by a hungry person is still shity but is more understandable and is nothing compared to watching people do it for sport or just because they can and in rivers where they are helpless.

Also these arnt prize winning heritage breeding Chinook here. They are chum.

No offense but that all just sounds like mental gymnastics to justify the action. If he's so hungry he needs to snag fish to feed himself maybe his time might be better spent working, you know for money? Doesn't make a difference to me if its a spring or a chum, snagging is for mouth breathers.
I'm thinking about throwing around my Spey rod tomorrow after work...anyone had any luck lately? Anyone going out tomorrow?
I went there last weekend but it wasn't on a flood, so everthing was hanging around at the spit. When I went to go see what was happening the week before there was 3 guys fishing at the campsite and they all were catching fish. I heard if it doesn't rain soon DFO was going to shut it down just like Nit Nat and Cowichan, but with the forcast we have now we could be safe.
Once I learn how to cast that damn fly rod a little better I'd like to get into one of those fish, it looks like a lot of fun.
I'm thinking about throwing around my Spey rod tomorrow after work...anyone had any luck lately? Anyone going out tomorrow?

You're probably better off with a 8wt + single hand given the water conditions right now. It would probably work if you find the Sunriver trail and fish the first access about half way through the ebb. Not much there from what I've seen other than big toothed dogs ;)... We need some rain