Sooke Reports - Spring and Summer 2012

Happened to be at Mercury Marine in Victoria today and they had the Whale boat that recently hit a dead head in the yard and another one as well. Pretty scary to see the motor missing and the heavy alloy bracket broken right off and the other big outboard (the one still there) smashed up.

There appears to be more wood and deadheads than usual and there is a rumor of a possible log boom brake up, which if true, could explain it. As others have said it is a good time to be very careful and watchful when up on plane.
OK YOUR ON LIPPY cant seem to get that out of fishfly so maybe i can you LOL LOL good luck to all that go this am looks like a nother beauty day for fishing get out there.....

This is one of my primary beef's with large outboards. While under way at speed, if you hit a large object in the water, it is physically impossible for the outboard engine to rotate on impact fast enough to save it. A stern-drive leg on the otherhand weighs about 100/lbs and can more easily blow the hydralics and kick up and over the object, saving the drive unit. Had it happen to me under Lions Gate Bridge in 1980.

No high-jack intended but I fully expect to get 'whaled-on' by the outboard-crew here...
Geeze Murph,I'm not even going to try to quote your post... 1 paragraph - i think my eyes are playing tricks :p

Lippy: you may want to re-think the slow troll method or the doggies will make scooby snacks out of your bait ;)

LH: it doesn't matter what you run,if you hit something big at the speed they travel,the only advantage will be good insurance...
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Really had to work hard for the Springs yesterday. Saw a few boated at the Trap Shack but nothing spectacular. I managed to lose the only spring we hooked all day about 10 pounds. Fished deeper the rest of the day. 175 and 163 feet there were lots of Coho. We actually caught more hatchery's than wild. Good sized ho's for this time of the year too. Sure was a beauty day out there till about 2:30 when the wind picked up.
Fished Saturday out west. Good bite real early for springs then they got tough to find.
Lots of hoes.
Finished up with 3 springs and 4 clipped hoes for the 2 of us.
Lost a tank of a fish at 2:30. That one will haunt me for a while.
Beauty day out there.

Note... Not sure why some boats approach Otter by running on the inside of the boats already fishing. Especially close to shore. If I'm fishing in 80 ft of water and you run inside me, you are disrupting my fishing. Including one member from this site who ran through the middle of the boats already fishing just to keep going up to Muir.
I think it is bad etiquett.

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I also have a friend in Sechelt who ran over a deadhead I/O. Sheared both legs off. Now you have a problem because the legs are under water. At the end of the day, any contact with a deadhead will probably be expensive
I often run along the beach from Sheringham as I pass Otter (in 15-20 feet of water) for a couple of reasons. First we own property on Gordon's Beach (rented at the time) and I check it out to see that it is being kept up and to also show my clients where my fishing career all started as a kid. Then I follow the beach so that they get a close up view of the beach and the properties. From the beach looking out to sea at the boats it is much easier to see if anyone is playing fish...if there is a major bite going on as I pass and if I need a quick fish to make my trip a success I can drop my gear and make that happen.
When boats approach an area first thing in the morning often a final decision as to where you will stop to drop in your gear hasn't been made. Stop or keep going? A quick look at what is or isn't going on will often be the decision maker. So if a boat speeds up to Otter Point and joins the crowd that is ok? Or if the boat carries on to the west that isn't? Anyway your words were...your not sure why...well now you know.
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Note... Not sure why some boats approach Otter by running on the inside of the boats already fishing. Especially close to shore. If I'm fishing in 80 ft of water and you run inside me, you are disrupting my fishing. Including one member from this site who ran through the middle of the boats already fishing just to keep going up to Muir.
I think it is bad etiquett.


I noticed this yesturday morning while fishing otter point, i was at the tip of otter and atleast 4 boats came between me and the point then weaved through the other boats fishing, definetly bad etiquette...plenty of room on the outside to go around all the boats fishing and slow down to see if the bite is on....made a nice calm 530 morning into a bumpy mess just so a few guys could get to sherringham a few seconds earlier....

Fishing related, was out yesturday from 530 - 1pm, got a 15lb spring at around 6 am and then was into cohos for the rest of the day, kept one hatchery and released tons more....definetly an exciting day on the water....didnt net any all gaf released!!
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Having fished Otter Point since I was a kid and going back to about 1966 I've seen a few thousand boats pass by the point on their way to wherever. The only boats that were worth getting upset about were the larger seiners who back in the day would purposely swing in with their large displacement hulls at full speed and throwing a 4 foot wave at boats which back then were mostly 12-14 footers. That was all about dangerous behaviour. I've never complained about someone passing me at speed and definitely won't start now, especially on a public chat.
Having fished Otter Point since I was a kid and going back to about 1966 I've seen a few thousand boats pass by the point on their way to wherever. The only boats that were worth getting upset about were the larger seiners who back in the day would purposely swing in with their large displacement hulls at full speed and throwing a 4 foot wave at boats which back then were mostly 12-14 footers. That was all about dangerous behaviour. I've never complained about someone passing me at speed and definitely won't start now, especially on a public chat.

Just because you do it and dont mind people doing it to you doesnt mean it is good not saying its right or wrong here, in my opinion its bad etiquette and i refrain from buzzing by guys with there lines down....
Easy Profisher.
Nobody said they were "upset"
Nobody "complained about someone passing at speed"
And no one mentioned "you" on a public chat.

Just throwing out there that I think it is bad ettiquette and unneccessary.
I try to give lots of room and respect to all other boats. Lots of boats trying to get the good tack along the beach and you don't get it on everypass when you are being curtious to other boats. When I do get that nice tack where I feel I am in the zone, it sucks when a boat not fishing runs between me and the shore that is less than 100 yards away.

Anyways as you said I was not sure why people do it. Now I do. Although I completely disagree with you.
I too will scout an area at times on a drive by but it will be from the outside looking in and when I approach to fish I come from the outside and start fishing away from anyone else.

No finger pointing, just throwing it out there hoping someone that may not have thought about it may learn that it is poor ettiquette.

Quiet Morning out west for me, small Springs and Coho. , maybe shouda slept in and went out later, lots of action for the Kids... Good Day Driller
Tips, I can tell you with all certainty that a boat running in 20 feet of water at speed along that section of beach is not going to effect the fishing your doing in 70 to 80 feet of water at all. The only time anyone is in that close is if you've played a fish for a long time on a hard flood and a stiff SW breeze and you drift in there while trying to land your fish. Then all you want to do is get turned around and get out of there. I do concern myself with if there are guys fishing off the rocks at the point and swing out further if they are there. Inside....outside...wake hits port side...wave hits starboard side.
Over the years that i have been fishing, i have learned a lot of different fishing ettiquette.....if im fishing a new area i always let people have the inside tack until i get a feel for the flow...dont want to be that one guy going inside on a one way flow...also, i never burn in to a big pack of boats to setup my gear in the middle, il setup outside and merge my way in. If a guy in front of me has a fish on, no matter how bad i wana stick with it il always veer off and give him room, finally. If transitting the shore line to a hole, i never cut through groups of fishermen...these are just things that i have learned by being chewed out or watching other people around the end if the day its nota big deal. But when im fishing and get buzzed it definetly grinds my gears! I will definetly agree to disagree on this one.
Today fished at Otter then moved on to Muir, lots fo fog........ No big springs but lots of Coho's had to put on spoons because I was running out of bait. Got 3 about 5lbs or so, they are going into the smoker.
Then another fishing guy in a big boat had some problems so he need a tow into sooke, so I gave him a hand.
Today fished at Otter then moved on to Muir, lots fo fog........ No big springs but lots of Coho's had to put on spoons because I was running out of bait. Got 3 about 5lbs or so, they are going into the smoker.
Then another fishing guy in a big boat had some problems so he need a tow into sooke, so I gave him a hand.

Nice report. I'm about to smoke a coho myself this evening. Also, good on ya for helping out someone in need.
Note... Not sure why some boats approach Otter by running on the inside of the boats already fishing. Especially close to shore. If I'm fishing in 80 ft of water and you run inside me, you are disrupting my fishing. Including one member from this site who ran through the middle of the boats already fishing just to keep going up to Muir.
I think it is bad etiquett.


Try fishing in 40ft and some still want to come through between you and the rock!!

x2 on bad etiquette.
