Sooke Area 20 Regs update?

Tips Up

Well-Known Member
Anyone have an update on Chinook Regs starting tomorrow?

Best I can tell from DFO Site is the slot limit ends tonight. Any 2 over 45cm tomorrow.


Oh come on now why would DFO confirm that even ah hour before the office closes the day before? I mean no point in making it easy for people to plan a summer weekend of fishing...keep em guessing right up to the last fact don't confirm anything at all and just let people assume for themselves that no notice means no restrictions. They could have confirmed 2 weeks ago that today is the end of it.
They don't even pick up the phone, I've tried them 4 times this week.
a simple regulation confirmation would have been in order.
not to mention us poor suckers trying to run a friggin derby the next day! No word I guess means catch as many as you want huh?
I could not reach them by phone today and I am on their mailing list for updates but received nothing.

So as GDW says... go by the website. 2 per day over 45cms. It's right on their website.
In past years, no new regulation notice means it reverts to pre restriction rules.
ie. 2 chinook per person...ANY SIZE over minimum size AND clipped and not clipped.
That's how I see it...correct me if I am wrong...plan to go out next week.
The notice issued June 17th say the slot limit ends in 16 minutes from this post.

Since there hasn't been an update it goes to 2 over 45cm