Something Wicked This Way Comes - ON THE LINE

A peak at the future can be found in this document.

Think that this pipeline and tanker traffic is a one time amount.
These guys are promoting a 3 fold increase as soon as possible.

Not on my watch........

As you probably know the Fraser Institute is a right wing think tank with a huge bias to big business and to whom any form of environmental accounting is a foreign language - they know the cost of everything and the value of nothing.

Robyn Allen in her study has shown that the Northern gateway is a disaster economically because of inflationary price shock - I quote from her Executive summary:-

"Part 1 of this report addresses the misrepresentation of this project to the public and explains the
implications for the macroeconomy and strategic policy. It is determined that Northern Gateway is
neither needed nor is it in the public interest. The project represents serious economic risk to the
Canadian economy. Northern Gateway is in a double bind. Without an inflationary increase in oil
prices the project's benefit case crumbles. That is, unless Northern Gateway increases oil prices for
Canadians there is no industry benefit and hence no economic benefit.

Part 2 of this report addresses the vulnerability of the Enbridge case to changes in its underlying
assumptions and reveals that closer scrutiny of the methodology exposes numerous errors,
misspecifications, presentation bias and extreme sensitivity of the outcomes projected to relatively
minor changes in key economic variables, particularly supply, price and exchange rates."

The link to the full report has been posted on this forum before but here it is again.

It is up to all of us to continue to counter the Fraser Institute’s spin, and communicate to people what will be lost when the inevitable disaster happens, notwithstanding the bad economics.

Here is her report which deals specifically with the spill risk analysis.
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Harper is getting nervous over the growing opposition to this circus of 'black-death' he's planning on stuffing up our asses. He's out here again on the Coast likely to admonish Clarke over her well publisised stance and cat-fight with the Alta. Premier.

Do I believe what Harper has to say about 'science' playing a role of any consequense in the decision-making process?

"I think that's the only way that government can handle controversial projects of this manner, is to ensure that things are evaluated on an independent basis, scientifically, and not simply on political criteria."



Looks Like David Black is proposing the construction of a refinery just outside Kitimat. That way, no crude gets shipped, just refined stuff that evaporates if there is a tanker wreck rather than sink and stay forever. But what about the numerous river and steam crossings from Alberta.... Dont think the First Nations will buy into that
Why don't they ship by rail without diluent, it won't soak into the ground. It will sit there like a blob and wait for a loader to scoop it up.
Or just keep it here for our own use.
if you read the reports of their trying to clean this bitumen up in the Michigan river, 3 years have now gone by and it is still there. this stuff is far different from anything anyone has experienced. cleanup is damn near impossible. all the best with all of the stream and river crossings. hopefully only canadians will have to deal with this.
Because it was diluted to be able to pump it. In this state it is the most hazzardous to the environment in the un diluted state it is easier to manage, but still not without some environmental issues.

if you read the reports of their trying to clean this bitumen up in the Michigan river, 3 years have now gone by and it is still there. this stuff is far different from anything anyone has experienced. cleanup is damn near impossible. all the best with all of the stream and river crossings. hopefully only canadians will have to deal with this.
Tell the Panel "No" to Enbridge!

I just submitted a public comment regarding Enbridge's plan to build pipelines from Alberta to British Columbia's coast. A federal Joint Review Panel is reviewing the pipeline plans, which will threaten B.C. from the Alberta border, across rivers and the pristine interior landscapes to the communities and fragile environment along our coast.

Big oil companies are spending a lot of money to push this project through and Mr. Harper is helping them. Sending bitumen to China is a bad idea with very little benefit for the people of B.C. Please learn about the enormous risks and then submit a public comment to help flood the panel with informed opposition to the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline. (Please act before the end of August.) There are far better projects to be considered.

Also, please consider forwarding this request to your friends – let’s be heard loud and clear. Thank you!
I just submitted a public comment regarding Enbridge's plan to build pipelines from Alberta to British Columbia's coast. A federal Joint Review Panel is reviewing the pipeline plans, which will threaten B.C. from the Alberta border, across rivers and the pristine interior landscapes to the communities and fragile environment along our coast.

Big oil companies are spending a lot of money to push this project through and Mr. Harper is helping them. Sending bitumen to China is a bad idea with very little benefit for the people of B.C. Please learn about the enormous risks and then submit a public comment to help flood the panel with informed opposition to the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline. (Please act before the end of August.) There are far better projects to be considered.

Also, please consider forwarding this request to your friends – let’s be heard loud and clear. Thank you!

Well done Foxsea! I have also submitted my letter directly to the Review Panel website which is here:-

From what I am able to find out from this website they have had about 2-3000 Letters of Comment from the general public. Interesting reading, as the vast majority are opposed.

I was hoping for 10,000 or more but the deadline is still 12 days away so there is still time. Folks, please write if you can.:)

"Fisheries and Oceans Canada has provided its assessment and is of the view that the risk posed by the project to fish and fish habitat in the freshwater and marine environments can be managed by the proponent through appropriate mitigation and compensation measures," said the email, which echoed the response sent to the panel.

"The Department notes in its submission that the proponent has conducted a reasonable ecological risk assessment and provided useful information on the risks that an oil spill (in either marine or freshwater) would pose to fisheries resources."

Hutchings found it odd that they're so sure.

"Well, how can you make that judgment when you have not yet conducted a complete review of all proposed crossings?" Hutchings said. "Again, from a science perspective, I don't see how it's possible to be able to draw that conclusion."

So once again, Harper proves he could care less about an honest, scientific review. Approval is a foregone conclusion, it would appear - democratic process be damned.

Unless we raise hell - get your letters in to the Panel!
I have no idea how my thoughts might help. The fact that one of the scientists from the hydrographic center told me that the last 7 yrs all the work they had been ordered to do was find a way for the super tankers to make it in to kitimat. This makes me think that the government wouldnt have funded this is they knew it wasnt going to go threw. The fact that he told me all there 'science' that they could get threw (which they said should work) is just THEROY! How is that science!

What about the fact that there is major fault line running right under the proposed route! How are they going to monitor changes to the ocean floor. This guy was pro pipe line. The only info I picked up off him is that if 'our side' found that some harm was going come to some oceanic species they might not be able to go threw. These changes pushed threw on the omnibus bill probably took care of that. I cant believe Canadians are so placid about the omnibus bill and this pipeline.
Damning Enbridge, U.S. spill report fuels opposition to Northern Gateway pipeline:

"I think the provincial government has to wake up. If she (Premier Christy Clark) doesn't wake up on this, then she's done. British Columbians aren't going to tolerate this kind of incompetence."
-Art Stearritt, Coastal First Nations

Read more:

Sent my letter in thanks for the link

New bumper sticker
"I think politicians should wear uniforms,
you know, like NASCAR drivers, so we could
identify their corporate sponsors."
New bumper sticker
"I think politicians should wear uniforms,
you know, like NASCAR drivers, so we could
identify their corporate sponsors."

That’s hilarious.

It would also be nice if all political parties once a year published the bribes they take in the major papers. Pardon me, they call them “Political Party Donations”.

Beyond that, if MP’s MLA’s etc. take one of those cushy fat Govt. pensions, often for only a few years of service that should be it. They should be allowed absolutely nothing after that for life. No sitting on corporate boards, no starting a business that could benefits from their contacts or benefit for the support they gave some corporation or industry while in office and no lobbying. No working for a corporation or any business. No going back to practicing law and servicing industry. No opportunity to be repayed or profit in any way from the decisions they made or the contacts they developed. That would help ensure they work for the voters not self interest. Not sure what could be done about benifit going to family members. It won’t happen of course; corruption is built into the system.
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