
I have long lived with natives along the Fraser river in Mission.Some of my best friends were native and my wife is half native.I have been a sportfisher for 35yrs and seen the rape of our salmon stocks get out of control.I have nothing wrong with a food fishery,but it should be done with a small shore set net or dip nets.Thier ancestors didn't have fleets 40ft gillnett boats with semitrucks taking the catches to their own proccessing plants.In the past 10 years, the natives have successfully closed of 4 boatlaunches and hundredsof kilometers of public dyke access to the Fraser River.These are placesthat I grew up fishing and never even saw natives use accept for the odd little net.Why can't we all share the land and water equally?If they want their heritage back,then fish and hunt the way their ancesstors did.If we all weren't so damn greedy,there would be enough for all.It is only the greedy ignorance of a few...namely those that catch and kill everything they can and as much as they can to line their pockets without thought to the future,that ruin it for all.
Not once did i say i agreed with there methods just stating a fact!



Why is this post digressing to another mud-slinging match?

What will this achieve to ensuring there are wild-salmon around for our kids?

The "me-first" attitude only propagates greed. Racisim only divides then hinders conservation initiatives.

Natives' are no different from the white-men; most are conservationist minded - the way they have been for thousands of years - others are greedy, having been infected with the ways of many white-men and their 'take it today-cause it'll be gone tommorrow' attitude.

If we can't all sit down at the table and have meaningful discussions to produce effective conservation strategys for our</u> precious resource, soon there won't be any wild-fish to fight over.

Explain that one to your children and grand-children in 10 or 20 years.

I was at the SFAB meeting yesterday. We all know about the problem with the early run of Fraser chinooks being in trouble. There have been substantial concessions by both the commercial fleet and the recreational fishery. Everyone agrees that there is a problem with the stock. Now the early Fraser run of chinooks are entering the river and as of yesterday's meeting, the indians have not made any concessions. They will be there stringing their nets across the river and catching those fish that we have been returning to the ocean. I can't believe it that if the indians are so concious about conservation, how can they continue to net the river. EVERY one of these fish is very importnat to the broodstock and what the indians say is that it's thier right to fish. So what happens when they are gone...because it will happen, then what???? One doesn't need to be a rocket scientist to see that this type of fishing (the choke points) on an already slim fishery at best is going to make them extinct. There is just no reasonability there and it's like pissing into the wind every time we bring it up because nobody will go there (against the indians). What will it take before somebody steps in and says that's more. It's my right to fish too for chr*st's sake.
quote:Originally posted by Yote

It's my right to fish too for chr*st's sake.
Actually it isn't your right to fish. As it is right now it is a priviledge granted to you by the crown. Fish are considered to be crown property and authorization to fish for them is only given by the crown. The only 'group' thathas guaranteed rights to fish are persons of aboriginal descent. This right has been grantde to them in the charter of rights and freedoms. Don't like it? Lots of people don't, but until the laws are changed or cases are thrown out of court as unconstitutional, that's the way its gonna stay.

The best you can do is get mad enough to actually do something about it.:(
One more rant and then I am done. "FIN" The part that bothers me then is that my privilage is granted (determined) by the Stewards of the land who seem to be choosing to take my privilage away by decimating our fish stocks. I am not saying that they are the only ones to blame, but they don't seem to even move a bit for conservation like the sporties and commercial folks have. That bothers me. A lot!

For those who have not been to one of these meetings, try and go so you can stand up for what you believe in or at the very least voice your opinion. As far as short notice of meetings go...well we should be used to it, look at how short the notice was for the salmon and halibut changes.[:0]
Try and speak up at one of these meetings with common sense,non-racist sotutions ...You will get shotdown by all the popele with political correctness oozing out their ears.....
They must get really tired pulling slivers out of their behinds from sitting on the fence...
Just get on with it and fix the problem(if its not too late),no matter who gets their nose out of joint..
Everyone must be committed though, no special interest group,and I mean NO SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS....
The natural resources of this province are owned by everyone and everyone is responsible to fix them..
This just in (and back on topic):
Likely NO sockeye for the Recreational nor commercial sectors.
FN as usual...

Springs and coho look likely to be a Go though...

Might just be we've seen the end of that once fun and rather large sockeye fishery here...

Looks like I will be returning all my halloween 3.5's back to Crappy Tire..My guess on the price of sockeye from FN will top last years price of 15$ per fish...probably 20$ ???
WHY does DFO do nothing about this???
Is there anything we can do to get EVERYONE on board to ensure a future of this run?
Why didn't they bust all the people camping out at China Creek with their freezers? Their friends and family picking up every couple of days. Some were guiding without license. I think we should all take some responsibility.

quote:Originally posted by Islandgirl

Looks like I will be returning all my halloween 3.5's back to Crappy Tire..My guess on the price of sockeye from FN will top last years price of 15$ per fish...probably 20$ ???
WHY does DFO do nothing about this???
Is there anything we can do to get EVERYONE on board to ensure a future of this run?
f#$k everyone, you want to eat fish, get a boat or charter and catch it your self, STORE BOUGHT... jack the prices to $20.per 100GRAMS.
ROD AND REAL ONLY,...theres your fishin regs...but for all you that cant afford to buy at the market you can buy it off the natives by the semi load.time/date/place just ask...
quote:So what happens when they are gone...because it will happen, then what????

You want to know what's going to happen then? In the sad moment when we realize what we just lost? I can exactly tell you what's gonna happen! The natives will sue the government for their right to obtain fish and if there is no fish, the government will pay LOTS of money as compensation from your and my tax money. Nice, eh? Count on it!
I think the F.N. should be allowed to net at fish farms. Don't they have a legal right to those fish? They were here first.