
With the current run projection, it appears that The Dino is considering starting the recreational sector (us) off at 2 per day, possession 4, with in-season reviews and the potential for either an increase in that, or a shutdown. All depends on what actually appears on the grounds. Commercial interests have been told to stay home. FN (the other commercial sector) is full steam ahead.

Springs is looking like 2 a day. Possibility of size restrictions.
Supposed to be a decent component of 5 year olds this year. Might well be a few Large are coming home to roost!!

Talking to someone from dfo last week and he said it looks like there might not be a sockeye fishery again this year and springs are supposed to be down almost 75% from last year... hope he is wrong!
c.askin question to Nog do you think these regulations wold apply to china creek area too????? thanx in advance for any imfo.
There is a meeting in Nanaimo tomorrow with DFO and the SFAB Chinook working group to review DFO data, look at and discuss the proposed management options around concern for some wild WCVI chinook stocks, and then make recommendations to the DFO staff. Once this has been done, more info will come out.
Funny how FN netting gets treated with kid gloves...
Quess us old 5th generation white guys only get to pay the bills and get second glass treatment...
Not ticked about reduced or cancelled fisheries,but am quite fed up with anyone fishing with nets when counts are down period...
Starting to look like the eastcoast cod fishery management stupidity has come out west.
I hate to say it, but if having boatloads of salmon is required for ceremonial purposes,then as with all other Canadians, those ceremonies need to be looked at...
Why must all other segments of our society change their way of life and pastimes and our FN brothers carry on as usual...
What did FN people in the past do about their ceremonial activities when there was no harvest of salmon some years for various reasons.
This thought came from my son's grade 10 socials class..
Funny how some young people ask questions that are hard to answer..
My son asked what happened when sickness prevented fishing by the tribe(smallpox).No fish was available at all .
Makes one scratch their heads for an answer that makes sense..Kids won't accept poor answers these days..[?]
I hope DFO estimates are wrong and we don't have to see our salmon become extinct.
If that happens its our own darn fault..Hope I am wrong..[|)]
A friend of mine told his kids teacher..
'don't tell my son that all Canadians are treated equally, because they are not..There are special rights and priviledges for some, that are not there for others"

I could not agree more..

The FN (commercial-call it what is is) net fishery will happen, poor returns or not..
Sorry for the rant..
I'm half native and do not and have not ever lived on a reserve but the FN do have some rights to fish and theres nothing anyone can do about it besides they were here first!:D

I just don't understand. Should the common goal of all parties involved not be for the survival of salmon in the future. I just don't get it we need to get the nets and rods out of the rivers. We need to give these fish a chance to come back. As of right now we are just fishing them to death.
quote:HERE FIRST???????? Dont even go there....

gotta agree with ya on that one
the "we were here first" arguement is the lamest thing i've ever heard
quote:Originally posted by coho_killer


So does that allow a right to string nets in front of the river's
and further decimate a species that is already threatened ?
Give your head another shake[xx(]
Wow, 1/2 native and a name like Coho Killer, you've got it all.
Please forgive me for responding to an off-topic thread to this post, The devil made me do it [:I]

[quote and theres nothing anyone can do about it besides they were here first![/quote]

I'm having trouble deciding which part of the preceeding quote is the most offensive.

Second part first: I'm likely a fair bit older that most FN folk in the whole bloody country, so as a 'born in Canada' person, I was here first, dammit!

However, the first part of the quote is far more troubling. The nose thumbing by FN, as implied by the author, seems to be typical of many (not all) FN persons. How do we get these folks on-board to save our fish stocks??
