Sockeye-- What sockeye???????

Cuba Libre

Well-Known Member

This says it all: Good on the CR Courier.

quote:Those were the days
Published: Wednesday, October 07, 2009
It was only in 2004 that Prime Minister Stephen Harper and local MP John Duncan were calling for an inquiry into the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. They were on their soap boxes, pounding their chests and telling British Columbian's that we had to get to the bottom of what even then was the most dysfunctional ministry in the country.

And why? Because about two million sockeye salmon disappeared in the Fraser and no one knew what happened to them. The very lifeblood of the West Coast was spilling out through the pores of inadequacy that was and is the DFO. And someone needed to get to the bottom of it. Hooray for Stephen and John! Go get 'em boys, and help save our salmon. Help our rural communities get back to some semblance of what was. Help First Nations to receive what they are entitled to. Stop British Columbia's icon from going the way of the east coast cod.

Man, they were stirring addresses. These guys were concerned. These guys knew there was a problem and they were willing to turn over any rock to help solve it. What incredibly courageous guys these were.

And, apparently, what liars.

Their calls for an inquiry came over the disappearance of two million sockeye. And now, just five short years later, about 11 million sockeye go missing and what do we hear? Nothing.

Then they were in the opposition. Then, apparently, they cared. Then, apparently, they simply wanted to get elected and said what they thought would pull the trigger on their political fortunes.

This type of disgusting tail turning is what makes politics such a revolting experience. These two guys should remember the days when they had heady ideals, when they believed in the good of their policies and their declarations. Then again, maybe that never existed. Maybe they were the days when they simply lied to get elected.

© Courier-Islander (Campbell River) 2009


20ft Alumaweld Intruder
Just wait til they get a majority in the House--West Coast, what West Coast?

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