sockeye leader lenght

It all depends on the speed and tides. I was too lazy to re-tie one and it was down to 18". Banged all 4 on that one alone last summer. If people around you are catching and you are not change it up.

Cheers, Rob
last week in the Inlet our leaders ranged anywhere from 20" to 28" and we had fish on all of them...hooking = easy, landing...not so much :(. Back to the drawing board and will be trying a different hook set-up tomorrow.
It all depends on the speed and tides. I was too lazy to re-tie one and it was down to 18". Banged all 4 on that one alone last summer. If people around you are catching and you are not change it up.

Cheers, Rob

Yep......that's it for sure. I fish 24 inches and change boat speed on condtions......good luck!
I use 28 inches also if your not getting action but you know there is fish around just start doing tight turns back and fourth that way the one side fishing will be faster than the other and vice versa this will cahnge things up and yes you will be successful its a great method,dont just keep goin straight zig-zag there the best rollies and tecnique!!!!

Tight lines