Scotty HP Digital Counters...They Keep Dying....

I've had counters go out as well. So, when I'm dropping to whatever depth I'm after, I count it off in my head so I get an idea of the ratio of count to depth. It seems to work not too bad, as I can typically see the ball on my garmin.
Someone makes a color-coded braid that is marked in 10 foot increments
I found the first counters filled with water and some just stopped working, went through about 6 counters in a year but all warrantied. The second series of counter are much better, and none ever failed on any of my friend’s boats.

For a back up counter a friend modified the HPs. We all installed manual counters into our HP DRs. Then if your electronic goes down you pull the plug on the cap and there is the manual-counter. Just adjust the manual counter back to 00 and you are fishing again and then you can change the electronic counter when you have some spare time.

Once you own the HP DRs you will never go back. They are so much faster at retrieving the ball and reliable. Once you get a good counter they work well.

Installed the manual counters on a friend’s boat and two years later he has still never had to use the manuals. Here are some photos
Is it 55ft or 67ft?
I had one go recently, new battery installed, now can't zero it out and will not turn off so it eventually died. I went out anyway, put the working cover on the side opposite the transducer, non working cover on same side as the transducer as the cannonball is easy to see on the screen on the transducer side for judging depth. The furthest side away gets the read out. Works in a pinch.
Mine did the same , I took back to Scotty and they replaced it.
I think he's just pointing out an obvious tech issue with the 2106 counters. No ones complaining here. Go to any place that sells them, its a known issue. Scotty is the best company you can deal with. There's lots of positive posts about their service on the site here.
I think he's just pointing out an obvious tech issue with the 2106 counters. No ones complaining here. Go to any place that sells them, its a known issue. Scotty is the best company you can deal with. There's lots of positive posts about their service on the site here.
Pescador where are you taking your counters for replacement?
Picked up another free replacement from Pacific Angler today. Ended up buying a second spare lid with counter for $129. So with TWO spare lids I should be covered for the summer, I hope.
Spare lids are great, but try them before you go out. I had a spare lid when I lost one and put the new one on and the counter wouldn't turn off. Called Scotty and they were fully aware of the problem and are sending me one when they come in. Great service
Is funny. I've had a pair of 2106s for almost 9 years and they're on just their second set of counters. First ones were replaced due to battery depletion. I do live in the dry interior, but the riggers stay on the boat in an open sided carport all winter.
Well there is a quick fix they do they put the old counters in them. then they drill a hole so you can see the "old school" counters...
I’ve done that with mine. They are good as a backup if your digital counter dies in the middle of a fishing trip.
Anyone having issues with counters still? I may upgrade.
Might be worth shopping for the best new price from a dealer, not used, then make sure the counter has '24 year date on them. Your 2 year coverage will run to '26, then if one fails you start anew with the replacement etc etc. They pull 18's up faster than I can crank, I need to pause the motor so I can catch up when down deep. I have both models, definitely prefer the 2106 for speed and quietness, plus bigger cannonballs when needed.
Will be selling my hp’s pretty soon so tired of the junk. Sent them in for service end of year. Had them on the boat for 1 day of fishing. Both counters died, and the one rigger won’t let line out which I believe is caused by a warped spool. Disappointing but I will be sticking with my 1106’s
You might want to talk to the people that did the service if you got them back and there was a warped spool.
Honestly guys the warped spool can happen on either machine. It's the same spool. It's all in the rigging. I just loaded the 3 riggers on the venture a new way with all brand new spools. I will try and report back to this thread once they have been beaten to death and see what the results are. So far they have been hung up twice fishing risky and still good. 20lb balls. Fyi I might have found a solution. If not aluminum spools here we go. We will see
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I’m considering getting a pair but am also concerned. I would go the manual counter conversion if it kept happening, I see them on some charter boats locally. Would want a homemade lense over that hole though.
I bought fisheye lenses from AliExpress and they work great. I hot glued them from the underside of the hole I drilled as they have a lip. They magnify the manual counter. Around $1 each and another $1.65 for shipping.
Will be selling my hp’s pretty soon so tired of the junk. Sent them in for service end of year. Had them on the boat for 1 day of fishing. Both counters died, and the one rigger won’t let line out which I believe is caused by a warped spool. Disappointing but I will be sticking with my 1106’s
Agreed, the new Gen LED counters suck , i spoke with a rep last week , they supposedlyare going back to the old company, that built the first Gen LED counter , , non changeable batteries , the newer company has been a disaster , she assured us, the new company , with a now changeable battery , will be WAY more reliable , best i can say for now , hang in there.... mine lasted for years without any issues of hard use....