Scotty HP Digital Counters...They Keep Dying....

I had one go recently, new battery installed, now can't zero it out and will not turn off so it eventually died. I went out anyway, put the working cover on the side opposite the transducer, non working cover on same side as the transducer as the cannonball is easy to see on the screen on the transducer side for judging depth. The furthest side away gets the read out. Works in a pinch.
When I changed mine out to the replaceable batteries at Scotty they looked at the old one's to make sure they were within the 2 year period
Strong reading glass lens siliconed on. Never buying another digital again!!
I LOVE THAT!!!!!!! WHAT NO WAY!!!!!!! thats pure remarkable, I have to put my readers on first thing in am just to see the numbers ... THANKS so much totally doing this . better patent it ....
Funny thing was that the analog counter stopped working before the digital did. It would spin but the counter was stuck at zero.
thats cause it spun too fast and it disengages the lil wheel from the shaft sometimes you can pop back in or a quick dap of 5 min expoxy has helped .
I LOVE THAT!!!!!!! WHAT NO WAY!!!!!!! thats pure remarkable, I have to put my readers on first thing in am just to see the numbers ... THANKS so much totally doing this . better patent it ....
I looked for the roundest lenses I could find at Dollarama. $ 1.25 did both riggers. LOL.
I wont be near the boat for a few days. There is already a spot for the manual counters on the 2106's . I think the nuts/screws to hold them in are there too. Just get a counter and do some measuring to drill the hole with a hole saw. That's what I did anyways. Pretty quick fix!
Can you pull the cover and include a photo of the manual-counter set-up? Or can someone else?
If you call Scotty and tell them that you want to mount additional manual counters they might send you a template as to where to drill the hole in your lid ,along with drill bit size, plus mechanical counters and knuts to attach them. They done that for me a couple of years back without any charge-they have an after sales service which I find is superb.
It's nice knowing that if your digital counters blow up you can carry on fishing without missing a heartbeat.
I 've had that set up for a couple of years with no issues -max difference reading between digital and mechanical at 200' is 15' -I can live with that.
Switched to HP models last year. No complaints. It was the older version kept blowing out on me. I found a good method to accurately drop your balls to depth without a counter. Slow down the troll to a walking speed so the balls drop under your sonar and watch the screen, then drop to depth. If your troll is too fast you wont pick up the ball depth. Then resume whatever speed.
If anyone buys a new pair from wherever, check the dates on the digital counters. Scotty bases the replacement on the age of the counter, apparently 2 years is the maximum. Make sure if buying new that both of the counters have matching dates to the year you buy them. (last 2 digits)
I found the first counters filled with water and some just stopped working, went through about 6 counters in a year but all warrantied. The second series of counter are much better, and none ever failed on any of my friend’s boats.

For a back up counter a friend modified the HPs. We all installed manual counters into our HP DRs. Then if your electronic goes down you pull the plug on the cap and there is the manual-counter. Just adjust the manual counter back to 00 and you are fishing again and then you can change the electronic counter when you have some spare time.

Once you own the HP DRs you will never go back. They are so much faster at retrieving the ball and reliable. Once you get a good counter they work well.

Installed the manual counters on a friend’s boat and two years later he has still never had to use the manuals. Here are some photos


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I've had counters go out as well. So, when I'm dropping to whatever depth I'm after, I count it off in my head so I get an idea of the ratio of count to depth. It seems to work not too bad, as I can typically see the ball on my garmin.